
Is Hockey the best sport?

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Everybody says that hockey is boring. So you think the full out open ice hits are boring. The fights, wired pucks, board hits etc are boring. I live in Canada and we all love hockey. The NHL owns. So is Hockey the best sport....... I THINK SO.




  1. It depends on what people are interested in. I think Basketball is the best because I loved it since i was in kindergarten. Maybe people you know just don't like Hockey.

  2. it is the fastest sport in the world and can be the most violent.....some lacrosse games get pretty bad too though.....and not to mention every year there are at least 26 teams that are in contention for the cup to the last week every single year, so its the most balanced sport as well.

  3. hockey is the best sport

  4. hockey is not a boring sport but just like i find baseball boring people love baseball and would say its not boring

  5. h**l ya!

    Hockey is the best sport ever invented.

  6. How can anyone possibly think that hockey is boring?

    I love hockey it is the best sport ever!

  7. Yes. However American football is a very,VERY close second.


    some people don't understand that.  (i have played hockey for the past 5 years and i LOVE it )

    im goaly so i dont move much but what i do is just as much fun as what my teamates do.

    i live in michigan and during the winter all we do is watch NHL games and play hockey. o yeah and snowmobile of course.



  9. HOCKEYS THE BEST SPORT thers not a doubt in my mind

  10. First, there a lot of people on this board that think hockey is the best sport including myself and you---so how can "everybody" think the sport is boring? lol

    Anyway, the people that don't like the sport have either never watched a game or have no interest in the sport. They have never really given hockey a chance. I for one have NO IDEA why people wouldn't like the sport--in fact even love it!

    I'm from NY and most of my friends aren't interested in the sport or they are fair-weather Ranger fans. ("Oh I don't like hockey. Wait, the Rangers are in the playoffs. Go Rangers!") I have asked a few friends why they don't watch the sport and most say, "because the d**n puck is too small and moves to fast. I never know where the puck is."

    I guess here in the States hockey isn't all that big of a sport because the USA's favorite pastimes include baseball, football, and basketball. Those combine take up the entire year--so no one gets around to taking an interest in hockey.

    To bad!--- they are missing out on the best sport ever created!

  11. there is no other sport better! Especially if your watching the leafs!!!!

  12. Hockey is deffinitely the best sprt. Anybody that says otherwise deserves a stiff kick where the sun don't shine.

  13. I, personally, don't play the sport, but my younger cousin and his 4 boys (that range from 5-12 yrs old) do and I must say that I have been to several games and practices and while I wouldn't say it is 'THE BEST', it is right up there in the Top 5.

    We, by the way, live in the US and I must say that Basketball, Baseball, NASCAR, Hockey, Tennis or Golf <not necessarily in that order> are probably safe bets of sports that people, here, like most and are probably the most widely broadcast among all the sports people play.

  14. Hockey gets abused by the sports media in this country (meaning the US) aka ESPN.  LIstening to ESPN radio the other day I heard one of the commentators refer to hockey as being as interesting as watching the NFL is every play was an incomplete pass.  Had my cell phone not been dead I would have called in to comment lol.

    I have never been bored once in my life watching or playing hockey.  I think a majority of Americans would be far more accepting of the sport if it was given media coverage as unbiased as football or baseball.  Baseball is truly the most boring sport out of the big four nowadays.  The game has slowed down into something that is practically unwatchable on tv, radio commentary for baseball still remains so spectacular that the game continues to be interesting in that format.

    Hockey is my favorite followed by football.  Hockey is not only a physical game similar to football, it also exhibits an extrodinary amount of personal skill and teamwork.  I would list the sports I enjoy watching the most as:




    Baseball (listening)



  15. Sorry, volleyball is the best sport :)

  16. si senor

  17. um no SH:T it is

  18. Who on earth could think hockey is boring? I mean if some people don't like hockey that's one thing, but who could call hockey boring?

    My mom isn't a big hockey fan and when she sat down with us to watch the final game of the Stanley Cup this year she started getting all excited! At the end she made some comment like, "Wow, we just won that cup."  it was hilarious

    It is probably the fastest sport ever (okay, excluding NASCAR and horse racing and the 90 mile and hour balls in baseball) and it can get pretty violent with fights and flying pucks.

    A good number of my friends don't care a thing about hockey (I do live in Maryland though so that sort of explains) so I think it is mainly a Canada and upper and colder US states thing...I don't care though, I still love hockey.

  19. It's a matter of opinion. The rest of the world thinks that hockey is a good sport, but soccer is king. Personally, I'm in golf mode now....

  20. h**l ya hockey is the best sport. it one of the most fast paced sport  because there is always something going on no matter where you look. it is violent and at times it is vicious, yet it still has that finesse that many sports lack. you need to have soft hands and a ruthless streak making it a great sport

    people who say its boring have never been to an NHL game and are getting their thoughts from the american media or are getting their thoughts from a nine year old game.

    If hockey was given the amount of coverage in the states that baseball and football are it would be tops their too, i have no doubt. it would take time to get people to start watching. but once they did, they would see how much more fast paced it is then other sports such as baseball.

    no doubt about it, it is THE best sport

  21. I actually find lawn bowling at the retirement home to be much more exciting. It's how Chris Chelios stays fit for the upcoming season. You really should try it sometime lol

  22. you asked the hockey section. of course hockey is the best sport.

  23. In the USA, people don't like hockey as much as people do in Canada. Hockey is Canada's main sport. Soccer or basketball is ours.

  24. Baseball is boring hockey isnt

  25. It's too fast paced to be boring.  Too much going on.  Hockey IS the best sport hands down.

  26. I completely agree with I <3 Osgood, plus I live in Maryland also :) . No one over here even cares about hockey, but I get so enthusiastic about the entire sport and love it to death, but other people just don't bother for some reason...

  27. Baseball is Amerca's pastime.

    Football is America's present.

    Hockey is America's *future*.

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