
Is Home Schooling-a Good Thing?

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  1. Home schooling is good provided that the child really has severe problems with working with people. I personally is against home schooling as the child will lack the chance to have lots of interaction with the people outside. Also the child is deprived of a chance to show their soft skills such as leadership despite there being activities planned for these children. In school, a child will be able to interact with all kinds of people, good, bad, bullies, innocent kids etc. They get exposed to these people which is very much a preparatory to society and working life in future. Compare a child going to a school with that of one who is going through home-schooling, one has the chance to interact, the chance to carry their school bag to school, buy food from the canteen, talk to friends regarding everything under the sun, while the other is deprived of it. I had friends who did home-schooling when they were young until the age of 10-12. They had lots of problems going to school, their reason being it is much more stressful and they have less control of their life. It took them lots of time to adjust and their grades suffered badly. Think about it, if they cannot adjust to the stress level at school, what makes you think that they can do so in the future when they enter the work force?

    Some may argue that ppl who went thru home-schooling are more cultured to a certain extent, but they lack what I call, ppl relationship with the rest of the world.

  2. Yes.  It is a good thing for our family.

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