
Is Homeschool a Good Thing Or Bad Thing.???

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Well Im planning to be homeschool..and people tell me that is boring..other people tell me that its fun and good thing to do...soo idk what to do now...=/.Cuz I sign out at my skool cause i have family issues and i hardly go to school.




  1. Just remember that you can't teach yourself.  If your parents do not take an active interest then forget it.  Home school requires a great deal of self discipline more then anything.  If you or your parents didn't have that when you were in public school then you are not going to suddenly gain it overnight.

  2. There are a lot of schooled children and teens who find public school boring.  

    You don't know what to do?  Sounds like you've already planned to home school, you know what you want to do but are having hang ups based on the opinions of others.  The first step towards being a free thinker is learning how to take things into your own hands and not base your decisions on what other people're already headed in that direction.

    You can teach yourself, have a parent teach you, apprentice in a field that interests you, etc.  I suggest you purchase "The Teenage Liberation Handbook:  How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education" by Grace Llewellyn

    Life is what you make of it, use this as an opportunity to explore your interests and passions using the world as your classroom!

  3. homeschooling is fun!!!

    *you only have 5 hours of school a day

    *can go shopping and take family vactions whenever you want

    *if you have friends that are homeschooled you can spend a lot more fun time with them

    *one-on-one teaching

    *you can go at your own speed

    *and most of all it's really fun and you can learn a lot more than you could in public school!

    hope this helps! :)

  4. Yes, home schooling is a very good thing! This way you can learn at your own pace. Plus, if you don't have time to do it in the morning, say you're going shopping w/ your mom, or say a loved one gets sick, you can always do it later. I think it's a good idea!

    I hope everything works out for you!

  5. Homeschooling is as good as a family makes it. Do you have a family that will make homeschooling good? You said you have "family issues"--that can mean anything from illness in the family and requiring a flexible schedule to an abusive or dysfunctional parent. If the issues are nothing others would consider to be the result of a bad family, then homeschooling could be a good choice. If the issues are things like abuse, neglect, addiction or other dysfunction, then homeschooling certainly won't be something you'll find "fun".

  6. its a good thing i think, well if you have friends outside too!! if not it can get a bit lonely, but other than that its fun and really great!! well, at least i think so, cuz i'm starting next year

  7. it all depends on the studnet, how well they apply themselves too.

    See I started homeschooling my son 3 years ago, not because I didnt want him in public schooling, but because for 3 years while my son "was" in public school, he suffered severly  from dyslexia. And in those 3 years he was in public schooling, those schools, & the d**n school board told us "Dyslexia DOSNT exsit"! My son was getting D & F's, since I took hin out of public schooling, & started schooling him at home, he  now has A & B's. The kids couldnt even read simple little  books, like "See d**k Run", he's now reading to me & there chapter books.

    He's more calmer too.

    Also another thing people have to realize with homeschooling is the parent can choose whatever material they want there kid to learn.

    here in Kansas, we are able to pick the circullum (sorry mispelled) he can learn.

    Plus, we can take him ourselves on field trips. Like for ex. we took him a couple months ago, to The Truman Library, & the Steamboat  Arabia.

    Plus, you might want to let your parents know too, that there are places to get discount materials, like (its owned by ebay), also look around at thrift stores, book store sales, &

    if you need anymore help, email me I'll be happy to help you out.

  8. Homeschooling will be what you make of it.  You can make it as interesting and fulfilling as you would like.  You could also choose to get through the work quickly and it won't be as interesting.

    But homeschooling isn't the easy way out.  It takes effort, hard work and determination.  Still, it is also very rewarding because you are accomplishing something amazing on your own.

    We use a wonderful curriculum.  You can find out more here:

    Good luck,

    : )  P

    ds 9

    ds 7

  9. It's what you make it. I guess boring people find it boring, and you get people who have NO experience saying things like that.

    IMO HS is a GOOD thing.

  10. well its what you make of it, on one hand its good 'cause you can learn more then people who go to school, like who was the first President? well it wasn't George Washington. John Hanson was the first President, George Washington was the first president of the United States under the Constitution we follow today. The first seven presidents are forgotten in history. Now how many people who go to school know that? =)

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