
Is Homeschooling bad or good?

by Guest21213  |  earlier

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Is Homeschooling bad or good?




  1. its only good if the teacher has a certificate in a degree of teaching

  2. I think home schooling is good educationally ...but socially, I think it is bad. You can have a lot more one on one if you are home schooled..but then again,  you are secluded from other kids, so you dont really have a social life.

  3. Homeschoolers have a better chance of getting into higher ranked colleges, and usually get the higher paying jobs in life.  That is one of the pros.  The con is that your child may feel lonely all by him/herself.   However, if your child takes their lessons seriously, then they could outdo anyone in the regular school.  Their curriculum simply does not fit.

  4. Absolutely bad.

    In the USA, homeschooling is done mostly by fundamentalist Christians who want their kids growing up to believe that certain things public schools teach are lies - e.g. evolution, the big bang, etc.

    This sort of non-teaching/indoctrination is anti-educational and damaging to children's ability to function in science-related fields. It also does nothing to promote a child's ability to reason or think critically, since they're just fed everything and told not to question it.

    Not to mention ever home-schooled kid I ever met was essentially socially retarded. They have no idea how to interact with their peers.

  5. I don't think it is good. For one thing most parents are not professional teachers, who have been trained and educated in teaching methods. Also the interaction and feedback from peers and teachers are important. Joining clubs and sports teams teach many values and skills that kids need. School gives them a separate identity from home and prepares them for dealing with the world.

  6. Depend how smart the people teaching you are

    but  in homeschooling kids miss out on social skills with are very important in later life but you dont need to be affraid that the kid meets the wrong people like drugies, ***** ect.

  7. Homeschooling, like any form of education, is only as good as the combination of the curriculum and the teacher!  

    It can be successful if the parent & child are committed to it, and are literate, creative, and resourceful.  Homeschool associations, cooperatives, and many curriculum programs available now give families some options.  It can be especially practical if there is a family business or trade that the child can apprentice in while learning.  

    The socialization can be a challenge, but by seeking out other church-related and community activities and experiences, this challenge can be met.  There are also now many distance learning and home-based business opportunities that actually make the social aspects of education a bit less necessary to some extent.

    Though it was not a viable choice for my family, I certainly wouldn't presume to judge someone else harshly for choosing it.  I think each family should make this decision based upon the needs of the individual child, the available education options in their community, and their resources.  If we lived in a bad neighborhood where the public schools had deteriorated with regard to either academic performance or student safety, and if we couldn't afford private school, I would certainly consider it.

    (My kids are in small rural private school, but when we lived in the "burbs" of Houston, my son went to private Christian school for a couple of years.  I am a certified teacher.)

  8. Well, it all depends.  

    First, the myths about socialization and needing a teaching certification are just that - myths.  Homeschooling doesn't mean that the child is only taught at home - far from it - and a teaching certification means that the person has studied ways to reel in a group of 30 kids who don't want to be there and impart information in a way that lines up with what the school board expects.  It means that they've studied how to complete the paperwork necessary for the bureaucracy.  As none of these situations exist in homeschooling, it's really a moot point.

    (My parents are certified teachers.  Many of my friends are certified teachers.  Some of my friends are certified teachers who chose to homeschool their kids.  Know what?  Every single one of them has said that their certification wouldn't/hasn't helped them one l**k in the area of homeschooling.  They're just such different teaching arenas.)

    Homeschooling can be great, and it can be a train wreck - kind of like public schools :)  More often than not, though, it's beneficial.  Homeschooling allows the student to learn at their level, in the way that makes the most sense to them, and according to their interests and abilities/weaknesses.  As much as classrooms try to do that, it's just not feasible - it would be complete chaos for a teacher to try to tailor a curriculum to 30 different kids at the same time.  Instead of each of them being reached, none of them would receive anything but a brief overview.  

    Instead, teachers do what they can to touch on areas that will interest each child and do their best to offer any additional help.  However, they're not always able to do that, and kids fall through the cracks.  With homeschooling, we can do that.  If my son is having a hard time differentiating direct and indirect objects, we can spend as much time on that as he needs, no matter what the lesson plan says - and we can go through it in several different ways.  If he understands how to multiply fractions and has mastered the concept, we don't have to wait for the class to catch up - we can move on.

    However, not every kid is wired to homeschool.  Some kids really need the structure and competition of a classroom, and some need to bounce their ideas off of a group in order to really "get it".  Some do not have the motivation to keep themselves accountable without a teacher assigning work each day.  For these kids, homeschooling probably wouldn't be a great thing.

    Not every parent is able (or willing) to spend several hours a week lesson planning, finding resources, teaching, and keeping records.  Some don't feel that they're up to the job, and some have schedule or financial constraints.  If the parent is not able and/or willing to commit to homeschooling, school might be a better choice.

    However, for kids that are motivated to learn on their own, that don't work well in a classroom with distractions, or need to move at a pace that is different than the lesson plans, homeschooling can be a great option.  My son fits all three of those categories, and he loves being homeschooled.  He loves the flexibility in his schedule, the fact that he can study each subject according to his ability rather than his age (he's several years above grade level in math and science, a couple years above grade level in most other areas), and being able to compete against his own expectations instead of what the "cool kids" expect of him.

    So...the answer is both.  It really depends on the child, the parents, and the situation.

  9. I think homeschooling can be a great option.  To make it work well, the parents must be dedicated to the full education of their children - which includes outside activities as well.

    For me, that meant enrolling at some time or another in art classes, dance, gymnastics, piano, band, choir, a student newspaper, going on field trips, and more.  For my little brother, he also joined sports teams in multiple sports.

    I learned many things regardless of whether or not we believed them - especially in regards to science.  People who bash homeschooling often say that the "fundamental Christians" don't learn the "full" version of science, but one could make the same argument of most public schools when they don't teach creationism.  Of course my parents told me what they believed in this area, but they also worked hard to teach me to examine both sides of any issue. I was taught to think for myself.

    And finally, the issue of socialization.  I currently work in public relations and event planning, have coordinated hundreds of volunteers, and own my own business on the side.  I headed social and educational groups all through college, and still keep in touch with the friends that I've had since I was 5 years old.  I can hold my own in conversations on many subjects with other educated adults, and have been able to do so since I was young.  Furthermore, I know more socially dysfunctional kids or adults who have come through the public school system than have come through homeschooling.

    Homeschooling can be a wonderful option for those willing to put the time and effort into it.  My mom did, and I plan to do the same for my kids.

  10. It can be hard at times, especialy if your teaching yourself, but in the long run its far better. School can be useful for the basics, and theres no need to organise yourself. Home education gives so many more options, and you learn skills to help you in the future, like how to study or get orginised.

    It can be hard socially, but if you have a few friends and keep in contact its fine. There are groups of people who home ed which you could talk or meet up with though things like education otherwise.

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