
Is Homosexuality........?

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genetic. Because I know that I'm bisexual, and I have g*y relatives, and so I was wondering if it was genetic, or if it is just completely random....




  1. Not necessairly but yes, it can be. Because homosexuality is about hormones. It's kind of a disorder which is not a disorder. (See, I'm a redhead, red hair is also a disorder but not a disorder)

    There is nothing wrong with being a homosexual.

  2. Scientific researchers specializing in human sexuality have shown that homosexuality is genetic.

    Scientific research publications from October 2004 and June 2008 stated that scientists have found that women tend to have more children when they inherit the same genetic factors linked to homosexuality in men. This fertility boost more than compensates for the lack of offspring fathered by g*y men, and keeps the “gay” genetic factors in circulation.

    A 2005 study reported genetic scans showing a clustering of the same genetic pattern among g*y men on three chromosomes - chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother.

    A study from 2006 said that researchers have known for years that a man's likelihood of being g*y rises with the number of older biological brothers, but the new study found that the so-called "fraternal birth order effect" persists even if g*y men were raised away from their biological families & that "the research suggests that the development of sexual orientation is influenced before birth."

  3. well ppl wiht mental issuse dont choose to have it, but they know its a problem, so if ur g*y doesnt thtat mean u have a mental issue and u didnt choose it, and since its a problem shouldnt it be fixed. well of course not, but how cna u be born with sumething u didnt choose and its not a problem, being near sighted is problem tht ur born with and can be fix, same with deafness and mute ppl, they are born with problems tht can be fixed, so how come homosexuality is different, u wanna know y becasue its a choice, its in ur head, u may be confused and u have a wierd mentality, when ppl are born with problems theres usually sum pysical charateristic tht goes with it, if there sumthing wrong with ur eye, its physical, born deaf, its physical, born mute, its physical, if ur born with a mental disorder thres prlly sumthing in ur brain tht has sumthing missing, but ppl tht are homosexual are normal physically, but have chose to be the way they are, or maybe when they were little sumthing happened to them, that they may not remember, so think tht they were born with it, so its not genetcs.

  4. some people, unfortunately, believe that it's genetic. when i came out, my parents were h**l bent trying to say i "chose" to be the way i am, because i would have "shown signs of my g*y-ness at a young age". but i think you cant help who you're attracted to. you arent born g*y or straight, you just are what you are

  5. I'm quite sure it is not, but, never say never! : )

  6. There are no conclusive studies indicating whether or not it is genetic or due to events that happen in the womb (prior to birth) caused by other things (mother's diet etc).

    There is a ton of evidence that says is determined PRIOR to birth.

    My feeling is that it is genetic, but we may discover that it is related to too much or too little of some vitamin in the mother's diet, or perhaps even due to viral or bacterialogical infection.

    I don't want to offend anyone here - the viri and bacteria have no supporting evidence either - but it has not yet been ruled out.

    And who the h**l predicted that ulcers would be caused by a virus?

  7. There's research out there that shows it IS genetic, just google it :P

  8. It is more hormonal with regards to timing than genetic, also there could be some societal influences as well. Genetically we are all born to be sexual beings.

  9. Sexual orientation is quite complex and it is doubtful that anyone has found a firm answer on how it forms. The evidence, however, suggests that genetics is the dominant factor in determining sexual orientation.

  10. No, its a choice that some people make.  I twisted one, might I add, but a choice no doubt....I dont care if you hate me for saying this, but I will pray for you.

  11. I believe it's a random occurrence like left-handedness.It's just coincidence you have g*y relatives (or you have a very big family,in which case the odds are there).

  12. I really dont believe its genetic because its not like personality or anything its literally part of u i dont think science can explain love. <3<3<3 just like science cant explain hate love is something that ignores all reason and defies normalcy it cant be genetic

  13. There is no evidence that homosexuality is genetic but interestingly enough, there is no evidence that heterosexuality is genetic.

    But there is evidence that homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality:

    You could believe what you want to believe but it doesn't change the truth.


    For the people on here who say homosexuality is a choice, you will get your viewpoint across if you truly make yourself credible.

    You can make yourself credible by CHOOSING to be g*y for a week, and really have romantic, physical, sexual, and emotional feelings and attraction to the same s*x for that week. After that week is up, go back to being straight (maybe by "praying the g*y away" that you think works so great) and report back to us and tell us how it all went.

    I think that we'll have an easier time believing you if you do that.


  14. I accept it as being natural,

    b/c you can't help who you fall in love with

    as far as I know I'm the only g*y in my family.

  15. There is some evidence to suggest it is, and there is also evidence to suggest it is caused by antenatal hormones, and there is probably also evidence to suggest it is due to the environment (twin studies and such).

    There's no conclusive evidence. I feel that it's probably a mixture of various factors.

  16. lol no u silly girl u fall in love with who ever u do and some people cant control that its someone from the same s*x

  17. I think that sexual preference is hard-wired, not how you were raised--however, just because you have g*y relatives doesn't mean that that is why you are bisexual.  

    If sexuality was determined purely by upbringing, straight parents would never have g*y kids--and we all know that this happens.  You also see g*y couples who have kids where one of the member's sperm/egg is used, and yet often those kids are straight.

    So, moral of the story--I would say it is genetic, but not hereditary: its hardwired, but not something you inherit from your parents.

  18. I dont think so. I believe u cant help who fall in love with

  19. its not genetics , genetics cant help the way you feel for the same s*x. although being around it could have influenced you in a way.

  20. It's not genetic.

    It would have more to do with these are the people who you have grown up with and they will have an effect on you that way if anything, but it's all through you and how you feel about it naturally.

    You're probably more comfortable with your sexuality seeing other people in homosexuality in your family as you consider it more "normal".


  21. My aunt is g*y, and I'm g*y, but she's a woman and I'm a guy...

    Well possibly. I don't see it being a choice, I don't think anyone really chooses, they just go for what they want.

  22. Ha, the people that say we "chose" or "got influenced by others" are morons. Deaf people didn't choose to have bad hearing. People using glasses didn't choose to have vision problems.

  23. Religion is trying to tell us that it's genetic but they have no way of proving that and I highly doubt it.  You like what you like.  For example, when kids are abused by their parents as children and they grow up to do the same things, they learn to like it that way, they weren't born that way.

  24. Everyone has bisexual relatives, probably homosexual, too.  That isn't evidence of anything.    It's probably some combination of nature and nurture, but no one knows what leads some to be homosexual.  All the theories so far have too many exceptions to be taken seriously.

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