
Is Honey Bad For Cats To Eat?

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I spilled some honey on the floor and my cat was quicker to lap it up then i was to clean it.

He loved it and before I thought i might be bad for him. I sprinkled some over his food, which he quickly ate.

Do you think it's bad for him, I mean, bears eat how bad could it be...




  1. Anything in excess for your cat outside his own cat food is too much.  That taste of honey would have been fine.  But pouring it on his food was starting a bad habit and certainly not good for your cat.

    A cat isn't a bear by the way.  

  2. Cat know what's good for them then we do even though my cat eats the white cream inside of a Ding Dong I still think it's ok

  3. One time would be okay. But since cats don't brush their teeth the sugar would eventually rot them.  

  4. yes it's bad for cats. it's too thick for them to have in their mouth and they could gag on it.

  5. In small amounts as a very occasional treat, no.  Cats don't need extra sugar in their diet though.  When one of my previous cats was on daily medication, my vet suggested crushing the pill and mixing it with clear honey (i.e. runny honey), but only on the days when the cat wouldn't eat it any other way.

    It shouldn't be given regularly as it will put his diet out of balance.  Excess sugars are linked to obesity and diabetes.  The bears that eat honey are omnivores and have teeth and gut that evolved to cope with a mixed diet containing meat, veggies, fruits and sugars.  Cats are obligate carnivores meaning their teeth and digestive system evolved to eat meat only.  What is good for bears is not good for cats.

    Set honey is more of a problem as it requires chewing and cats' teeth are designed for slicing.  As a result the set honey can get clogged up in their teeth contributing to dental disease.

    So save the honey only for very special treats no more than once or twice a month and only in very small amounts.

  6. Quite honestly the only thing wrong with your kitty eating honey is that it is a sign that you have to be very careful about your kitty l*****g up sweet things.... and the only reason I mention this is because antifreeze is a sweet tasting substance that can kill a kitty.

    Honey, however, is not a problem!

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