
Is Horseback riding (not racing) actually a sport?

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I dont think horseback riding is a sport. You sit on a horse, and so what? Horseback Racing I think is a sport because its racing, its been on ESPN, and people bet money on it. But anyway, I just think horseback riding is just kind of an aerobic excercise. Is it actually a sport?




  1. As in controlling your bike or canoe, etc.....Yes it is a sport. You need endurance, strength and the ability to control the animal between your the same time have good posture and dress. It is gruelling........tough sport for sure.

    AND.......the dang horse has to be fed 3 times a day AND his manure has to be cleaned up every day  AND  you must train at least 5-6 days a week.   The list goes is not easy.

  2. yes it is for some reason you gain alot alot alot of leg muscle so most ppl think it is

  3. I would say so. You're improving your muscles by having to hold on and stand.

    Wiki even says so. ;]

  4. no, it isnt

  5. It's hard to define what is a sport and what isn't. There aren't any balls involved, but one definition for a sport is "aerobic exercise with rules involved" - and under that definition, horseback racing is definitely a sport. Riding a horse is comparable to riding a bike, then - it's like a sport, and if you're good at it, you're good at a similar sport.

  6. Horseback riding is actually more of a sport than horse racing. I have both ridden competitively in shows and exercised race horses and it is my opinion that working with a horse under saddle is much more difficult than holding on while they gallop full speed. Horses are huge and powerful animals, much more than anyone gives them credit for being, there are times when a horse really does not want you in it's back and if that's the case, you're off. Staying on a horse that has decided it no longer wants you on it's back should be a great credit to the rider (but not Bronco riding, because that's just cruel and they put a belt by the horse's genitals to force them to buck and rear), real riding is about knowing and realizing why the horse is panicking and help calm them down. The posture and riding style required by horse show judges and even picky horses is not particularly comfortable. It's not just lounging on the back of a horse. Even riding Western, which is more relaxed requires a huge amount of control. People who ride Western need to move the horse by placing a rein on their neck. I would be worried if i didn't have to reins in direct contact with my horses mouth. Riding is physically trying and requires a lot of muscle control to remain in that position for extended periods of time. If I don't ride for week and go out and ride for even an hour, I will undoubtedly be sore the next day. You gain muscles riding that you really can't work any other way. Riding is a sport. It requires skill, practice, dedication, heart, spirit, and teamwork. The people who ride in competitions and the OLYMPICS train just as hard as any athlete around. Don't even get me started on jumping. You expect a rider to stay with a horse that leaps into the air, in order for the horse to complete this successfully the rider and horse need to be in constant contact. The rider's body needs to be pointed at the jump, the rider needs to maintain a good speed because when horses rush the rails they get sloppy. And last but not least, riding horses requires people to listen. I hate horse racing because of the cruelty to animals and the distinct lack of caring. In order to ride and train a horse SUCCESSFULLY a wonderful bond must be created. This takes years of dedication and hard work to establish and can be lost in a matter of moments of the horse decides it doesn't want to trust you anymore. To horses we are predators, so trusting a predator it takes a long time. The jockeys, while I do respect them, rarely have any contact with their mounts before or after the race. An equestrian has a life-long commitment and bond with their horses which is why they are successful in showing, and doing anything. Look up Sally Westfall (link below). She does freestyle reigning without ANY tack, no saddle, no bride. Just her and the horse. Even if you know absolutely nothing about horses, you have to find this inspiring and moving. I would LOVE to see any jockey try this with any horse. Horseback riders are athletes in every sense of the word and more. A sport you can only count on yourself for the most part, or you have a team that you can talk to, but horses don't understand words, you need signals, and you need a calm energy because they can sense when you get nervous and it will change the way they work. I invite anyone who thinks otherwise to try and ride my horse on his best of days. He used to race, but thankfully is now mine and I have trained him since I was twelve. We have a bond that doesn't just happen overnight.

  7. There is alot more to riding a horse than you think. There's English riding competitions such as dressage. There is also Western style riding, which includes barrel racing. It may not be a sport, sport if you know what I mean, but there are competitions. Trust me there's more to riding a horse than just sitting there on the horse lol.

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