
Is Houston,Tx or Dallas,Tx a better city?

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I come from Houston and I'm picking it, but I'm just making a poll.




  1. hands down HOUSTON!

  2. Dallas no questions asked.  

  3. Houston hands down! I like shopping in Dallas but don't think I'd live there (I'm from Houston too tho:)

  4. I prefer Houston.  I lived there for 13 years.  Now I live in Ft Worth and try to avoid Dallas if I can.

    I don't like the roads and freeways in Dallas.  To me it is very difficult to navigate.  Houston, on the other hand, is fairly simple, what with all the loops and such.

  5. Houston is best for many reasons....

    1.No snow, no ice on the roads in winter time.

    2.No need to wear winter clothes more than 1 month at the most.

    3.More places to shop.

    4.More places to live

    5.More people

    6.More night life

    7.We have access to the beach in 30 mins, Dallas does not.

    8.Weather is only hot, not freezing ever.

    9.Always something to do in Houston

    10.People actually like the Police in Houston, but not in Dallas.

  6. Houston has so many more resources and so much more diversity. Dallas is boring.

  7. You do know there's a category for polls, right?

    EDIT: Why the downchecks? There IS a place for polls. This is just spam from someone with too much free time.

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