
Is Houston a good area to live in for a 19 year old?

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I'm 18 and a senior in high school right now

I live in the Milwaukee area and im interested in moving to the Houston area next year.

I want to go to college just for some general classes and take dance classes at this cool place i heard about called Marvelous Motion..

Are there good job oppurtunities in the area? I would need to pay for an apartment of my own, the dance classes, cloths, furniture, gas, personal things stuff like that.

Hopefully not school since im going to try to get loans and a scholarship...hopefully lol.

I'm most likely not going to a university, where i COULD stay in a dorm.

I know its seems pretty early for me to be thinkin about stuff like this but it just bugs me not knowing lol.

Basically all i want is to go to college, dance classes, and a JOBBB!

Sorry this is soo long..i like to talk alot haha.

Please leave an ansewer! Thankss




  1. depends,  have you ever lived in nothing but heat and killer humidity, and everyday warnings about smog let alone the hurricane threat  6 months out of the year,  if you think you can handle all that, then your welcome to join us... on a better note, Houston is a very beautiful city, im fortunate to live here. Im originally from the midwest..

  2. You would be better off in Dallas Texas than Houston. You may be seriously disapointed in Houston area.

    There are jobs, apartments and things to see, along with that, there's Hurricanes, humid weather, big bugs and miskito's that suck your blood out. Hotter than h**l in the summer.

  3. Houston is a working town, and Houstonians admire people who work. If you have a job, go to school, you'll fit right in. Enjoy your dance classes, too.

    First things first. What are your skills? You do realize that if you're 19 and have only worked at things like sacking groceries you won't really make a lot of money. Figure you'll need a few thousand a month in income for what you want.

    Here's the thing: you'll probably need to have some savings before you come here. Showing up with your belongings in an old rusted out Honda Civic, and expecting to find a high paying job will lead to disappointment. Your best bet is to have three months worth of rent saved up, money for groceries and the like, before you get here. Your furniture at first will probably be an inflatable mattress, a lamp, and some of those plastic storage bins from The Container Store. You're not going to land some swank apartment loaded with high end furniture and a designer wardrobe making ten bucks an hour. Lastly, if you do save enough to move down and get a decent job, this is the most important of all: LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS! That means little or no credit card debt, don't go out and party all the time, and learn to cook instead of going out to eat every night. I've seen too many lives ruined by bad financial habits. SO, be smart. There are lots of opportunities here, even from the ground floor.

    Houstonians do not like moochers or slackers, which is probably why Mizzzzzzzzzzzhollywood hates it here.  

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