
Is Hugo Chavez taking America to the next world war?

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The guy is buying millions of dollars in weapons, and he is giving money to the guerrillas of other countries, like Colombia. He always has said that he want an America unified, remembering the dream of his idol Simon Bolivar. But I think that he is closer to phsycos like Hitler or Saddam. I'm afraid the next big conflict will be between the followers of Chavez, and those who still want to enjoy the democracy and freedom.




  1. He will probably die of apoplexy before he gets any real power.

    He's up there with Saddam, but will never make Hitler status.

  2. The followers of Chavez ARE enjoying democracy and freedom.


  3. No. He is simply stirring the colloquial "pot" of poo.

    If you destabilize a government it is feasible to dominate a country with minimal effort.

    You pay guerrillas to wage war against a nation and keep your hands clean. Then you go to war over some stupid reason and add the country to your territorial boundaries.

    Now, there is no way this will happen (because the America's government is so corrupt from the drug cartels that exist there that they will never surrender their "government") simply because there are too many demanding presences inside of those countries. Chavez would have to spare some of his control/power and make the cartels partners, which would then cause him to be toppled eventually.

    Bureaucratics vs Drug Dealers, lol.

  4. I would not say hugho, but     Russia maybe. They do not seem to be going away. I think russia may appear not to be a powerful as they oncde were. It appears, we may be heading for another cold war. The russia seem to comtrol muslim radicals more then us.  

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