
Is Hugo Chávez a warlike danger for Latin America? It has to be able to invade the Bolivia?

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Is Hugo Chávez a warlike danger for Latin America? It has to be able to invade the Bolivia?




  1. Hugo Chavez is very clever.  He uses rhetoric that will appeal to the ignorant masses, playing up the anti-americanism and anti-capitalism to its fullest potential.  This includes exaggerating the warlike intentions of his perceived enemies, the United States and his neighbors.  The lack of education which is unfortunately so pervasive throughout Latin America causes this message to resonate far louder than the cold logic of reason.  

    So to directly answer your question, No, Chavez is not a warmonger.  He knows very well that any aggression towards his neighbors or the United States would result in his dangling from a noose, a la Saddam Hussein.  However, like his buddy Ahmedinejad in Iran, he will play up the talk to the hilt, stopping just short.  

    Unfortunately for Venezuela and those Latin American countries that have come under Chavez's influence (Evo Morales in Bolivia can't seem to even sneeze without asking Chavez's permission first), his path is unsustainable and will lead to even greater poverty, corruption and suffering.  

    He has eliminated dissent in the press through tight controls and censorship.  His "Bolivarian Revolution" of re-distribution of land has obliterated agricultural production, causing shortages of basic foodstuffs.   Rather than investing in needed infrastructure at home, he's sending money abroad in public-relations ploys designed to boost his personal image.  He's plundering the future of PVDSA, the national petroleum company, by diverting funds which all other nationalized oil companies (in Saudi Arabia and Brazil, for example) spend on exploration and development and instead spending them on his crazy programs.   He's stacked the courts, the parliment, the military, and now he wants to change the Constitution to allow him to remain Presidente por Vida, like his other good buddy, Fidel over in Cuba.  

    No, even though he's an egomaniac, so vane as to speak for hours every day and force national radio and television to cover it, his policies are leading his country to ruin and he's corrupt (Hummer H2's for everybody in government who supports him, while at the same time denouncing everything American), he's smart enough to know that any military action would be the end of his game.

  2. Jonathan S said it all, exactly the way it is.


  3. I applaud Jonathan S for his answer! He says the truth. I just have to add that if the people of Venezuela dont do anything soon (only they have the right and no other government in the world) then Chavez will trick them and stay in power as long as Fidel Castro. Chavez is a cunning and evil man who will stay in power forever turning South America into a communist region while he eats and drinks like a pig and saves millions of dollars in his bank accounts elsewhere.

    I also applaud the King of Spain who had the guts to tell Chavez to shut up while in the meeting of leaders in Chile two weeks ago.

  4. Chavez is the next Castro.  He started out with some very good public policy ideas.  He recognized that we do exploit Latin America for our own gain through the World Bank and IMF - It is for OUR good that we do it - not theirs.  He was able to use a lot of leverage to keep employment and Venezuala's economy in good stead.  Due to its historical stability, the Bolivar has always been the standard currency in the Southern hemisphere for banking.  Not sure if that is still the same.

    However, he has turned into a meglomaniac, more obsessed with holding on to power and controling society than with improving the country for the long term.

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