
Is Hurricane Dolly God's way of saying "Build levees not border fences." ?

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Will a fence hold back the Rio Grande when it floods?




  1. The Border Fence NEEDS to be built, and MUST BE BUILT, end of story.

  2. Hurricane Dolly is the Earth's way of redistributing heat, thereby providing humans with a comfortable environment.

  3. No, it's actually just a hurricane.  They tend to happen from June 30 to December 1 every year.

  4.'s a hurricane, not some random storm that popped up over night.  They've been known to hit texas.  

    Border fences are needed...h**l I'd say build more and tighten that defense x10.

    Btw, fences for illegal immagrants, not to stop the storm, duh.

  5. No, hurricanes are God's way of saying, anything you can do I can do bigger, I can do anything bigger than you!

    Then He farts.

  6. ~~~~The fence must be built~~~~

  7. NO! Our Pastor Pat Robertson told us that it is because of all the closet g**s in Texas.

  8. is the collapse of tax-paid social services due to illegals ignoring our laws, Gods way of telling us to build fences, and more fences?

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