
Is Hurricane Gustav God's way of punishing New Orleans for Mardi Gras?

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Is Hurricane Gustav God's way of punishing New Orleans for Mardi Gras?




  1. you sad person.

  2. No , I think God is saying "Hey dummies move your city or Im going to blow it off the map.

  3. nope......sea level is sea level for a reason, and N O averages 13' BELOW sea level.......poor civic planning at work

  4. No, otherwise the hurricane would be in February or March..

  5. Maybe, maybe not.  Our Lady of Fatima did say, however, that wars are a punishment from God for people's sins.

    God bless!


  6. There's no way to know.  God is a God of love and mercy but we forget He is also a God of vengeance.  His thoughts and ways are far above ours...all I know is God is all sovereign.

  7. it's Armageddon

    Honestly , I'm a christian , even I don't believe that . This is not old testament anger . It's geography

  8. No. God's not against Mardi Gras, He's against the people polluting the environment

  9. i dnt think so...if it were, hollywood or las vegas or the middle east would be punished b4 new orleans

  10. I don't believe God would waste his time with trivial things like Mardi Gras or Gustav. He has a entire universe to take care of. I'm sure he'll get to me when he's through with everything else.

  11. For the umpteenth time: No.  

  12. No, it is a North-Atlantic Hurricane season

    And low barometric pressure

    It was happening since the weather exists on earth, WAYYY before humans established Mardi Gras

  13. Of course not.

  14. No.  Hurricane Gustav is nature's way of punishing the city planners for continuing to build in the path of hurricanes.

  15. i recently read about several churches full of people FLATTENED by tornadoes and hurricanes

  16. Mardi Gras is actually a blessing from God.

  17. Yes..  Just like how Westboro Baptist church is there to show the world how stupid Christians really are.

  18. It's nature way of keeping the Earth in balance.

    Natural disasters are necessarily for maintenance of climate and thus essential for the survival of all life on Earth.


    Sydney is the biggest g*y city... yet it is free of hurricanes...

    Your logic is flawed.

  19. No.  But one BBC announcer is punishing my ears by persistently pronouncing it "Goose-staff"

    The tower of Siloam didn't even hit any particularly sinful people, according to Jesus.  

    It just happened?  That's interesting.

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