
Is Hurricane Gustav God's way of saying "Do NOT vote republican"?

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Is god trying to make the gop shut up and go away?




  1. NO...  


  3. You sound like Pat Buchanan. Why don't you take him, Limbaugh and yourself and go ask God yourself?

    Your ridiculous

  4. no

  5. If you are crazy, you would think like that.  

  6. I wasn't going to vote for Mccain anyway.

  7. ? How you got to that conclusion?

    You are silly.

    God loves the republicans.  

  8. I thought the Democrats didn't believe in God?  Whoops then again according to the First letter of Pelosi to the Democrats, "and God said to me, Nancy I am giving you my son...."

  9. If you believe in God, and if you believe in creationism, like Palin does, who wants creationism to be taught in school, then God created this world.

    If God created this world, it means He controls everything, also Gustav.

    Then if God controls Gustav, why would He send a second hurricane to the same place, 3 years after the first one, on the day when the republicans start their convention?

    If you say it's a coincidence, and God would never do this because God is a merciful God, not a vengeful God, then you only believe in God when it is of benefit to you and you refuse to see ALL the signs He sends us.

    Maybe it is because we refuse the see the signals God is sending us that something is wrong, that we keep thinking all is well, while all is not well with this world and we are destroying the beautiful place God has created for us.

    I don't really believe in God, but I’m not sure, because I had some experiences that make me wonder if maybe there is a God. But if there is a God, like so many people believe, and God created ALL living things, God exists for ALL His creations and not only humans beings.

    I learned in a Buddhist temple not to kill any animal, not even a mosquito. Because to kill a mosquito, is to kill a living thing, and every living thing has the right and a reason for living. All the mosquito wants to do with our blood is to feed its babies. Like all living things, the purpose of their existence is to reproduce, because without reproduction it will be the end of live…

    So maybe God is saying; “Look what I can do. I created this beautiful place for you and you are destroying it. If you don’t stop destroying my creation, I will get angry and punish you for disrespecting Me and all other living things I created for this world. If you think this world only belongs to you humans, you are wrong. This world belongs to all living things, big and small, beautiful and ugly, useful and irritating. All my creations are created for a reason. Hurt me, and I can hurt you back, because I am God, and I can do what I want, look what I can do”…



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