
Is Hurricane Gustav a political opportunity?

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Is Hurricane Gustav a political opportunity?




  1. It will be when thousands of people are displaced or if major problems develop in the places that are hit.

  2. Yes, it's an opportunity to remind people of how the Bush administration hardly did anything for the people of Louisiana who were drowning, because they were more preoccupied by their trillion-dollar immoral war in Iraq.

  3. Well, hopefully people will heed the warnings this time around.

  4. I think its reminding everyone of the Katrina disaster caused by Bush's bone headed decision to gut FEMA and staff it with incompetents.

  5. It wasn't for Bush. Now that FEMA is buried in homeland security maybe the next President will make it a stand alone agency. Lets face it no matter where you live someday you will need FEMA. Fires,Tornado's,Hurricanes,Earthquakes etc you get it.

  6. Yes, a Republican Governor will show how a state-wide emergency is handled correctly, instead of sitting around and whining about why the Federal government isn't doing anything.

  7. I don't know, but I think it had better be more of an evacuation opportunity pretty d**n quick.  My great niece has been told to evacuate Beaumont, and she's on her way here now.  

  8. Please, let's just pray together for these poor people!

    Come together of all political stripes and pray.

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