The public will be reminded about what McCain and Bush did during Hurricane Katrina.
While McCain claims he was "immediately" appalled by Bush's response, he had a strange way of showing it. The last time the Big Easy drowned, he was literally chuckling with Bush. It's on camera. Bush touched down in Phoenix as Katrina struck to present McCain with a giant cake to celebrate the Senator's 69th birthday. McCain hugged him and they told lots of gags. He said nothing about the storm.
McCain voted repeatedly against a Senate investigation into what went wrong during Katrina - an investigation that could have saved lives now by showing where the government went wrong last time. Yet he says, "I have supported every investigation and ways of finding out what caused the tragedy." This is a lie, as anybody who checks the Congressional record online can see.
McCain also voted against extending unemployment benefits and medical care to Katrina refugees, or giving extra cash for new radio systems for the emergency services.