
Is Hurricane Gustav bad news for McCain?

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The public will be reminded about what McCain and Bush did during Hurricane Katrina.

While McCain claims he was "immediately" appalled by Bush's response, he had a strange way of showing it. The last time the Big Easy drowned, he was literally chuckling with Bush. It's on camera. Bush touched down in Phoenix as Katrina struck to present McCain with a giant cake to celebrate the Senator's 69th birthday. McCain hugged him and they told lots of gags. He said nothing about the storm.

McCain voted repeatedly against a Senate investigation into what went wrong during Katrina - an investigation that could have saved lives now by showing where the government went wrong last time. Yet he says, "I have supported every investigation and ways of finding out what caused the tragedy." This is a lie, as anybody who checks the Congressional record online can see.

McCain also voted against extending unemployment benefits and medical care to Katrina refugees, or giving extra cash for new radio systems for the emergency services.




  1. McCain doesn't care and never did.

    His handlers are hoping that his photo op will make a good impression so that when they steal the election, the People will think it was legit.

    I say send McCain out into the wind and water with those crazy reporters.

    That will impress me.

  2. No. It is bad news for New Orleans... And McCain was the first one to tell Republicans to donate cash. Quit grasping straws,just because the Dems choice sucks,dont blame it on us...

  3. no but you would like it to be! typical liberal thinking.

    McCain could recycle his own p**p and you would say it wasn't "green" enough!

  4. there is no way a hurricane can help McCain and no way a hurricane can HURT Obama.....Katrina and its nasty, uncaring aftermath is laid at the feet of Republicans and I cannot foresee a day when people won't think of Katrina whenever a hurricane threatens the Gulf.....but then Conservative voters will always think of someway to forgive their leaders with some sort of fantasy vision of can bet that McCain going to Louisiana is just for the press and from his past support of New Orleans he should be held back at a checkpoint

  5. The wraith of a hurricane is proof God don't want the Republicans to win.  

  6. ITS BEEN 3 YEARS!!  go find a job already.  I pay taxes and i don't want them wasted on "refugees" who didn't have jobs before the storm.  You need to sort your life and find Jesus.

  7. Hurricane Gustav is bad news, period !

  8. Having ACTUALLY gone through Katrina and now on the verge of Gustav all I can say is that this is an idiotic question. Everything is the govts. fault even acts of nature. WE in MS got off our asses and got busy cleaning up our towns and rebuilding after Katrina. We didn't shoot at helicopters of bridges and sit there whining cause Uncle Sam didn't come running to our rescue. Typical Dem reaction and expectations. Brad and Angelina will help pay for things when Gustav is over.

  9. I see Gustav as a sign from God, he simply doesn't want McCain to be president :)

  10. I suppose only the lowest of slime would wish the horrors of another major hurricane on some of the nation's poorest in hopes that their lousy candidate can gain some political advantage.

    The irony here is that Republicans can turn this to their advantage in three ways.

    1) The Republicans shift their focus to helping people in New Orleans while Obama still campaigns.  

    2) Increased oil prices because gulf wells will shut down only underscores the need for more energy production.

    3) If the death toll is minute Bobby Jindal will look pretty darn good compared to the Democrat that preceded him in office.

  11. No actually I think it's bad news for the citizens.It amazes me how sick a person is to use human suffrage as a tool in the elections.

  12. unlike obama,mccain went down there already.then obama copied mccains funding.obama is always going to be the other guy! face's all over for your boy!

  13. This disaster has shown what a gutsy leader he is. He went to the coast and met with leaders. He cancelled most of his convention. This is the sort of leader America needs.

  14. Not at all.

    Gustav will not be anything like Katrina now that Louisiana has a Republican Governor.

    Unlike DEMOCRAT Governor Blanco and DEMOCRAT Mayor Nagin who refused federal aid just hours before Katrina hit.

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