
Is Hurricane Gustav is going to be bigger than Katrina?

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I live in Mobile and shaky




  1. It is possible.  The forecasters have said it could become a category 5 and it will probably slam harder because most Katrina-hit places are still recovering.  

  2. Oh God I hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!  They won't really know that for a few days, please keep youreself safe.

  3. : ( where is it hitting again?

  4. No, as of Saturday, 3pm Central Time, Gustav is not expected to be a category 5, possibly not even a 4. Keep watching as the forecast could still change. A category 3 would still be very strong, so get prepared.

    Best of luck to all in the path of Gustav, hope all of you make it through safe and sound!

  5. It is expected to grow in open water, but when it hits land it is only ecpected to be a 3 or lower

  6. Well, Katrina was a Category 4, and this one is a Category 4 right now. However, it is at 145 mph and Category 5 hurricanes are 155 mph so its possible it could be a five or even go back down to a three

    Here's a link for the probabilities of wind speed:

    On Monday its expected to be 145 mph but then 90 mph on Tuesday.

    Check frequently though because Hurricanes can change speeds and directions fast.

  7. Not sure, but I think it is possible, the outer bands are already hitting the Florida Keys.  Gustav has a big spread, but the images on Katrina before it hit took up almost the entire Gulf.  Right now hurricane force winds 70 miles from center eye wall and tropical force winds as far out as 175 miles.  Some weather stations are predicting it to be a Cat 4 then go down to a Cat 3 before landfall, but I personally don't think it is going to go down that low.  I think it will be Cat 5 and go down to Cat 4 right before landfall.  I am hoping the weather stations are right though as I live in Central Louisiana and I am having flashbacks of Hurricane Rita right now.  Katrina didn't hit us that hard here, but Rita put us out of electricity for two weeks-we were unprepared for that long of a duration.

  8. could be, but probably not.

    and probably won't make landfall in the same place -- not science, just random odds.

    it will not be as deadly, not because it's not as big, but because people are more scared.

    quite appropriately, i might add.

    and the government is already doing what it failed to do for Katrina.

    that said, i'd assume that while there have been many improvements, there are also areas where flood walls have not been completely repaired, so that a 2nd assault could be worse than the first.

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