
Is Iceland a good place to raise kids

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  1. all there is there is ice nothing else

  2. I have heard that alcoholism is a problem there

  3. Iceland isn't the best place to raise kids, nor is it the worst. It's all your decison. Expenses there pretty high, but the good news is Iceland has very high wages, and jobs are also great jobs. Some of the bad things about Iceland is obviously, the cold. You better get used to frigid temperatures, and 24 hour days without the sun.

    And also, Icelandic is one of the hardest European languages to learn, not so much of a difficulty if you are planning to have kids there, or they are young, but for you it wil be a struggle. Iceland's people are very, very proud of their language, and their language hasn't changed in the past 1000 years or so. If you learn Icelandic, you can read and understand old Danish,Noraweignan(SP?), and Swedish middle age and viking documents. But the good news is many younger people have a good knowledge of English. Most people in Iceland are welcoming of foreigners, though they find them a bit unusualy. As you would expect, there aren't many foriengers in Iceland.

    Also, if you have the ability to move to Iceland, then you probably have a EU citizenship. In which case it'd maybe be better to move to a differant European country. Living in Iceland is very isolating, and the great things about Europe is all the culture, and being able to be so close to other cultures. While Iceland culture is nice, nothing beats being inbetween 20 odd cultures in Europe.

    But a nice thing about Iceland(and my favorite) is the pools. There are many pools in Iceland, and most houses have pools that are heated. Nothing beats coming back from work then having a nice swim in your heated pool in the cold.

    So the good things about Iceland:

    -Rich  culture

    -Good wages

    -Easy to find jobs

    -Nice pools and spas

    -Great scenary


    -Icelandic is hard to learn

    -Somewhat high expenses in areas

    -Cold, and during the winter it'll be very dark for logn periods of time

    -Isolated from all of Europe

    All in all, it's your decision :)

  4. Iceland is a beautiful place with a very high standard of living. It has extremely high rates of literacy, education, longevity, income, and social cohesion, which are first-rate by world standards.

    When the area was discovered, the settlers named it Iceland to create the impression that it was a barren, frozen wasteland so that people would not find out how beautiful it is and then flock there. Conversely, the name "Greenland" was chosen for that country, which is pretty much a barren, frozen wasteland.

    Do the research yourself. Don't pay any attention to the dumbbells here who have said that Iceland is frozen, etc. Immigration standards are very, very high because people are very eager to settle there.

  5. listen, don't listen to anyone who says that Iceland is a bad place to live in, it actually one of the best place ever. i lived there for the first 14 years of my life but had to move because of my dads job, its amazing all my siblings studied there as well and they turned out great one of them is a neurologist  doctor and my sister is studying to be a pediatrician and an obstetrician as well, my older brother opened his own law firm there and its one of the best they have the most amazing schools, universities, and colleges there.

    there are so many things kids can do there, good education, nice environment lovely people plus they are very helpful and friendly and very very trustworthy.

    i have recommended Iceland to many many people i know and I'm going to stud there and live there as well.

    i assure you that Iceland is a very good place to raise children, its better than any other place i have visited  

    good luck =D

  6. why would you want to raise your kids in a supermarket

  7. I live in the USA; it is a good place to raise kids. Iceland is a good place to raise Popsicles.

  8. I think that Icland might be a fun place to raise kids becuase you would get to see a lot of animals.But it might be hard on you because they  might not have a ton of friends around them.

  9. if u wont them 2 freeze then yes

  10. if you r planning for them to have no friends and be miserable its a great choice, R U KIDDING THIS IS A JOKE

  11. Yes, the crime rate is quite low.  The stress level of everyday living is low. The expected life span is second longest in the world.

    However, the winter season has lengthy nighttime hours that causes depression in some persons (due to lack of sunlight).  

    The labor market is somewhat stagnant in that there are only a limited number of jobs and when those are taken there are no others.

    Taking all of these factors into consideration, if this is a place where you can live, go for it.

  12. why not? its peaceful the air is a lot cleaner than north america i say yes

  13. anywheres a good place to raise kids, as long as you take care of them and love them

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