
Is Illinois the dangerous state to live when it comes to nuclear?

by Guest66926  |  earlier

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Illinois is the most nuclear state in the US. There are about 13 nuclear power plants in the state of Illinois. If more than one blow up like Chernobyl, Chicago and the whole state will panic. I think that is Illinois' dark side.

So, will Illinois be the dangerous state to live when it comes to nuclear?




  1. Chernobyl was a graphite-cooled reactor. We don't have any in the U.S. The reactors in Illinois are either boiling water or pressurized water reactors. Three Mile Island was a pressurized water reactor. The containment vessel at Three Mile Island did its designed job. Fifty yards out from that containment vessel the background radiation was less than Denver on a sunny afternoon. A reactor is not a nuclear bomb. If any politician seeking an advantage in any election tells you that, you let him know he is a moron.

  2. No, it will be the ONLY state to live in once we run out of oil!

  3. It's no more dangerous than any other's just exceedingly boring...

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