
Is India The Enemy Of Hinduism???

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Why has India become the enemy of Hinduism????




  1. No,my dear,India is not the enemy of any Ism specially of Hinduism.To understand Hinduism U have to know about Hindu and India.Hindu and India are like oceans of all faiths,which absorbs anything,anyone,everyone,anywhere it comes to it.

  2. Hindus have never united in past.

    hindus r in majority in India but they r generally more concerned about sub-caste and cults rather than hinduism. But remember, hindus have never been abolished.

  3. no india not against hinduism.I dont think so

  4. I dont think india is a enemy of hinduism or any other caste but politicians and people with loud mouth make this country suffer

  5. i dint get you

    try to be more specific

    need more info on india???


    its good

    good luck

  6. It hasn't!! Hinduism was born in India!! Hinduism will always exist in India no matter what!

  7. well i don't know!

  8. BJP all the way!!!!

  9. The prevailing power dispensation @ new Delhi, (=Sonia & the Reds ) R natural but subtle enemies of Hinduism. The Congressmen, who R l*****g her shoes for crumbs of Power have no spine , & hence follow her example of appeasing minorities & humiliating Hindus.

    Their days R numbered in Power.

  10. bullshit how is india the enemy if it's the starting point

  11. razmattt... is correct . I could not give her '  the best answer ' because I have not reach that level. Really the enemies o f Hinduism are the self claimed protectors of it.

  12. As far as I know you are being enemy to yourself as long as you have hate and intolerence in your mind.

  13. you can say that there are less unity among hindus as compared to other religions. why india got SLAVE. just because of unfaith of hindus among themselves.

    you know firstly india was looted and destroyed by muslims and then britishers..

    since prithviraj chauhan times.....(app 1100 A.D) Mohammad gauri attacked india..(mohammed gauri was first muslim who entered hindustan and then he was defeated by prithviraj chauhan 16 times... and at last 17 time he defeated pritviraj chauhan and made him his slave... but its not enough.. at last the brave prithvi raj killed mohammed gauri{ if u wanna know whole story then read the history of india}  )

    and after mohammed gauri, kutubbudin, then MUGHAL EMPERORS. and then in middle of 17th centuary BRITISHERS came... at the end HINDUSTAN WAS completely destroyed in WEALTH, SPIRITUALITY, PRESTIGE, HERITAGE, CULTURE.

    till now INDIA is handicaped( and now is  being looted by POLITICIANS).

  14. well surely india hasnt become the enemy of hinduism!!!coz when u say india...then that entails 1.1billion people..and thats a lot,isny it!!! well if u ask for my view...then its not the common hindu who has turned against hinduism...but its those people who claim to be the self-proclaimed saviours of hinduism are the ones who are eventually bringing bad name to this great and sacred religion..coz hinduism has never taught to grow at the cost of some other religion...has never asked its followers to become perpetrators and cause harm to people of some other religion...hinduism stands for mutual and collective harmony...

  15. I am not really understanding what you mean...India is the HOME of Hinduism.....when ever people think of hindus they think of India...


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