
Is India going to end up buying Chrysler ??????

by  |  earlier

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they already bought Jaguar from Ford for less than 1/2 the origional purchase price.... $5 billion




  1. The Germans looted the company, now what sell it to another foreign investor so they can move the rest of the jobs out of the USA? It seems to be the way Corporate America works, Well when no one has decent paying jobs, who will be buying new cars period. Maybe we should all stand up and protest our governments lack of protection from corporate raiders who would take all we have built in this country, not to mention our buying power, which slide downhill every day.

  2. It's hard to say whether anybody would actually pay money for Chrysler.  Cerberus basically got it free from Mercedes.  Since then, sales have tanked (not their fault), and their management of it has been very questionable (totally their fault).  They hired an out-of-work guy to be CEO that couldn't even run Home Depot.  Do you have any idea how easy it is to run Home Depot compared to Chrysler?  This guy couldn't run a company that sells wood and screws, but he's okay making cars?

    Sales are in pretty bad shape.  Things are tough all over, but there were some dives in certain products this month that were pretty breath-taking.  If they save it, it's going to be close.

    So my prediction:  the Indians are probably too smart at this point to take a hand in it.

  3. If they do, that's another car brand I'll never own. As I recall, it was already bought by some big corporation that owns a bunch of other companies as well.  

  4. Nope,no way!!!!

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