
Is Indian Government soft on Politicians spreading disharmony??

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Who creates riot-- "POLITICIAN ~

And most probably that's why - in Congress & as well in all political party -some "black-(read as:ugly head) exist .

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  1. santanu dada,

                   it is said crabs like dirty water & so they keep the water muddy.likewise the field of politics should not be clear.govt is a product of politicians & parties ,where is the question of being soft or hard!

  2. yes,our political system is in shambles.

  3. Yes I would agree with you on this. I think more should be done to punish a politician who causes a riot.

    But then again the responsibility falls on the people who elect. Politicians cause riot as they this would get them noticed. and if they would know that getting noticed in a wrong way could be disastrous for them then they would not do such things. So educated Indians need to vote and make such politicians loose their elections via big margins for them to get their lesson.

  4. YES. All parties have common agenda.  Make money and cheat the citizens.  All of them are hand in glove, when it comes to prosecuting them, they support and help each other.

  5. The Indian Government is soft on politicians of all hues

    period.Sowing or spreading disharmony is only one of the dark traits of the Indian politicians who are all tarred with the same brush.They are all non-pareil.It has always remained a mystery as to how or why,the moment a person enters politics,his whole character,personality,approach to various issues and behavior undergo a radical change.While one would wish that the change is for the better,experience shows

    otherwise.Of course,not all of them are as painted but the exceptions are few and far between.The bane of Indian politics are opportunism,self aggrandizement and above all

    self-enrichment with scruples,morals and public service all given the go-by.Sad but true.

  6. Yes. You are right. It is soft not only on the erring politicians. The so called caste groups and religious groups are fomenting trouble and go scot free. Rail tracks are damaged with impunity. The governance is at its lowest nadir. The Congress Government is in a stupor. It needs to go.

  7. Not soft, but very/too soft.

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