
Is Innova or Canidae better for Beagles?

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I have a 2 year old female beagle and a 1 year old 3/4 beagle 1/4 border collie mix. I had read about all the dangers of commercial dog food and decide to switch about a month or so ago and I was between Canidae and Innova and ended up going with Innova adult formula. My dogs love the food. However I was looking around on the internet to re-order but I am noticing that Canidae seems to be much cheaper than Innova. Is there a reason for this? Is Innova the best there is to feed my beagles? I want to give them a food that is natural and free from artificial preservatives like BHT. If you can give reasons on why you think either or is a better choice I would appreciate it. Also if you can tell me what you found to be the cheapest internet site to buy these products from I would appreciate that as well.




  1. I have used both dog foods and liked both... until I got a bad batch from Canidae (all of our dogs got sick and I heard someone else at the feed store saying the same thing while we were there returning ours).  When I contacted Canidae, they acted as if it was impossible to get a bad batch and insisted my dogs had picked up something (regardless of what I told them about the other owner of a sick dog eating the same food).  Their customer service was so bad, I decided not to go back and have been feeding Innova exclusively ever since.  I feed the Large Breed Senior even if not all of our dogs are large breeds because it seemed to have less filler than the rest of the Innova line.

    Check out to see what else is out there and what might work for you.

  2. Canidae is cheaper, but they are both high quality foods.  If your dog does well on Innova, no need to switch him, unless the cost of it is an issue.  If so, Canidae is an excellent food as well.  

  3. I think you should stick with Innova. Innova is one of the top 20 dog foods in the world, and Canidae is slightly less healthy Even if Innova is more expensive, your dogs love it and it is extremely healthy.

    I also suggest that you don't order food online. It costs more money to ship, and to buy when you can buy it at a pet store. Also, shipping has more chances of breaking the bag and spilling the food, and that would be a waste of the food spilled.

  4. Until recently, I would have recommended Canidae but they are now being made by Diamond Foods and changed the formulation.  

    If your dog is gluten sensitive, than I would stick with Innova

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