
Is Insurance rates on red cars more expensive?

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Is Insurance rates on red cars more expensive?




  1. No, not at all.  That's a myth, propagated by people who don't know how insurance works.  

    Insurance companies don't track the color of your car.  They don't care.

  2. No, not technically.

    However, cops spot red cars MUCH more easily, therefore you get more tickets, therefore your rates go up.

    I used to have a red car, and I got THREE tickets in two years.

    Now I have a green car, and I haven't gotten ANY in two years.  

    (I speed all the time too!)

  3. i know ill put a foot in my mouth but no.  i have a red car and my rates are not as bad as my other car that was white.  my other car was considered a sports car but it was a family car.  

    so basically it depends on what you drive and not the color.

  4. No it makes no difference what color it is. I drove a red car for years never got a ticket............UJN

  5. no that stuff isnt true

  6. yes

  7. Rates are usually based on your age, your driving record, where you live and whether the car will be kept in a garage, in a carport or in the street.

    The paint colour should have nothing to do with it. Even if it did, it would be minimal compared to the other factors.

  8. i have heard it is slightly because if you were to get in an accident, to repaint the car with the exact red is difficult. matching the original red cost more

  9. Typical situation you have like many other people,therefor,be patient and check out the resource here i found useful.

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