
Is Iraq a scam?

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I have money to invest that 2 weeks after Obama is in as Commander in Chief he will find a reason to send peace keeper troops, already positioned, to invade Israel. Any takers?




  1. And I have some carbon offset credits to sell you too.

    Have you seen Charlie Wilson's War?

    After the US funded and trained the Afghan war against the Soviets, the Afghans won and the US withdrew support and the country fell into the hands of the Taliban.

    And now you want obama to do the same so Iraq can fall into the hands of Al-Qaeda.

    And when Iraq is run by terrorists, where do you think they send the suicide bombers?  Straight to your house.

  2. The US does not have peacekeeper troops.  That's the UN.

  3. If this should happen, the Military has the right and obligation to refuse the order, while the impeachment process is pending.  If you believe this, please don't vote him in!

  4. Look, Israel, that small insignificant country that has battle for its own existence for many years, kicked Egypt, Syria and Jordan's butts in 7 days. I don't think we need to bite off more than we can chew.

    People who fight that hard just to live, have everything to fight for.

  5. Looks like you're going to be keeping your money because Obama isn't even going to be a senator much longer after November.  Obama is a racist pig that has no experience and has never been in the military so he could never be a Commander and Chief.  Look at how much this country was attacked because of the last president who "loathed" the military.  Obama will lure the terrorists back into America for more destruction.

  6. wow, i have a nice bridge you might like to take a look at too!!

  7. No - it actually is a country in the Middle East.

  8. Guess,, all of the troops with there families over there would have to find ways with any birth records that some have problems is the U.S. cannot find for employment !!

  9. Whoa! Your first question is about Iraq; then you want to BET on the invasion of Israel?

    Shame on you!

    Iraq, Iran and all of those countries over their beleive in torturing their citizens; that does not make them a "scam", but makes them "evil". Israel treats its citizens much better, and, as a result, is much more civilized and technically advanced to the Arab world.  So, no, he would not invade Israel. Perhaps Afghanistan...
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