
Is Iraq worth it? What is the ratio of dollars spent to terrorists killed?

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I know it's difficult to gauge the number of actual terrorists killed in Iraq, but surely there must be some reasonable estimate. The DoD must be keeping track of something.

So I'm wondering, how much are we spending to kill each terrorist?

Using some very round numbers, we've spent $600 billion in direct dollars so far. If we've killed 100,000 terrorists, we've spent $6 million for each dead terrorist.

Is it worth it? Why or why not?




  1. Lets see, we got a dangerous criminal out of power. We have liberated a people. We made the world safer. It's not a matter if the WMD's were there. Ever seen the list of the other reasons? I bet not. The media has called our troops terrorists but that's to be expected of liberal scum.

    Here's a question If it's a war for oil, why are the democrats the people who are making sure we don't drill here? by a black man no doubt. I challenge anyone giving me a thumbs down to watch it. But you won't, it shakes up your little liberal world.

  2. no its not worth the blood or the money to kill a few bad guys and inspire many more. Its been worthwhile for haliburton thugh they have made a mint

  3. The basis for going into Iraq was that we needed to remove a tyrannical terrorist with anti-U.S. sentiments from power. So, we accomplish that something like 2 weeks into the war. The second alleged reason for entering into Iraq was WMDs - Bush's advisors at the time did not even acknowledge that there were WMDs and after all the dust settles, Bush admits, reluctantly, that there was no threat of WMDs.

    If the government was interested in figthing terrorism, that would have invaded Lebanon. Lebanon is where all the cool terrorists have been hanging out for years.

    Invading a country which had done us no wrong directly is stupid and irresponsible. It's equivalent to saying that the U.S. should have invaded itself after Timothy McVeigh bombed Oklahoma City. Just because there are a few radicals that come from a place, does not mean the entire country should be held accountable for their actions. We have stirred up more anti-U.S. sentiments all over the globe by the invasion of Iraq (not to mention that whole Axis of Evil bit) which is probably going to cause us more trouble in the long run.

    Way to go, Bush!

  4. well, considering it took around 12 terrorists to do 911, which cost us a lot more then 72 million dollars in damage alone, not even counting the lives lost and countless injured during and after the event.  so yeah, I'd say it's worth it

  5. 100% worth it freedom isn't free if we do not fight them there prepare to see attacks aginst America go up and up and up.....

  6. Terrorist = Iraqi civilians

  7. Regardless of all the money spent on the military, people want Iraq's OIL.

  8. I think you numbers are WAY off! How about quoting a source.

    Plus I want to know not just how much the military has cost us, but how much EXTRA it has cost us to be in Iraq vs having a standing army here at home.

  9. Well the same question you should ask why America take down the two towers and blamed Alkaid for terrorist attack on the same towers. America really spend too much money for killing "terrorists", not to mention innocent people too. Well the answer is long but simple. America uses medias, as TV, Internet, Radio and etc. to easily manipulate peoples believes and easily put blame to someone else for its own bad deeds, but it was always about the money, nothing else. We all now know what was the dill with two towers, The Money. We all know what is the dill with Iraq or Iran, the Uranium, or again the money, the oils. And the final answer to your question "is it worth of it". Well, if you want your Bush dude to be happy and have a lot of extra cash in his pockets and banks, and you hate Muslims a lot, then it is, for you and Bush dude, but if you are a man with common sense, you know the answer your self.

  10. By Your math 6 million for every dead terrorist.

    No attack on US soil since 9/11 = PRICELESS

  11. It really isn't worth it. Most people killed are Iraqi civilians whom many are children and women. Plus, the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks were not even from Iraq.

  12. it's not worth it because the fight is internal between the middle east.  how can we go in and solve all their problems that have been occurring since the beginning of time?

    $600 billion on killing people and our situation here still isn't stable i say use the money for security and making our country stable then going and helping others not wasting money on something that is unsolvable

    it would of been worth it if the situation wasn't so complex.  because we would of been in then out... hello vietnam part 2

  13. I don't think the US government can ever say "no, it wasn't worth it" regardless whether it is a Dem or GOP gov't.  All those troops who died did not die in vain and to suggest the war is "not worth it" is a bit of an insult to them.

    And, let's be honest, how can you truly know if the war was "worth it" according to your measures?  We may have to wait a generation to see the full effect of the conflict and it might well be a positive effect overall.  

  14. Where the h**l did you get those numbers?  I'm a bit of a dope in math, but even I wouldn't have come up with those figures.

  15. No and thats what McCain and his supporters don't get.

    We can be using the money for Americans, The Iraqi Government had a huge surplus this year but still uisng American tax payers money to rebuild their infrastructure. Plus they just sign a 3 billion dolar oil deat with china we don't even get first dips China never helped them in any way shape of form. Used and abused.

  16. Where do you get your data from? Not even Bush/Cheney have ever said they've killed 100,000 terrorists, and the total cost for the war is much higher that 600 billion, so 6 million per terrorist is really a fantasy..

  17. Certainly it would be enough to supply the entire world with box cutters and then circle the globe several million times as well as go to the moon and back if not orbit Jupiter if placed end to end.  

  18. The Iraq war has generated many more terrorists than it has stopped

  19. Sure.

    Why not?

    Look in the real world.

    Luke 24,44-45,47-49

    It's not the dollars spent on casualties.

    It's solving Mission Impossible two and three

    Luke 21. 8-10.

    Like how to hit the two mocking birds with one stone.


    With limited stone?

    See what David can do with his sling shot in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  20. One estimate by a Nobel prize-wining economist says the Iraq War cost is $2,000,000,000,000. This is the American cost of defending Israel from Saddam's skud missiles

  21. There were no terrorists in Iraq before we went there, so no matter how many we have killed since we made Iraq a hotbed of terrorist activity, it's not worth it.

  22. It's worth every single penny we spend.  What value do you put on the 3,000 lives taken on 9/11 and if we do nothing what value do you place on future american lives here at home?  What is your mom worth or your dad?  How about your brother or sister?  Don't give me that c**p about there being no terrorists in Iraq before the war, there was.  Saddam Hussein was paying terrorists to bomb Israelis.  In my book that's terrorist not counnting those he was supporting and hiding in his country at the time.  If we kill just one terrorist it's worth the whole budget.  He can't kill anyone else.

  23. Great question and NO it is not worth it.

    The war is a waste of money, time, energy and Afganistan will be the next money pit. Our government is the terrorist in the rest of the worlds eyes. We need to get the h**l out of there ASAP. More and more American soilders and Iraqi civilians are getting killed everyday for no good reasoning.

    Who's really benifiting from the war?......not the American public!       I'll tell you who is though: Haliburton, Contracted Armies, Oil Companies and the Federal Reserve (Central Bank). Where are those WMD's?


    My co-worker  just lost his best friend that was serving in Iraq on Thurs 8-28-08......he was also Stop-Lossed. My co-worker also served in the Army and toured their and said it is a complete waste being their. We have made it worse if anything.

  24. Personally, I hate this Iraq war, and for the record I'm from Wales, UK.

    Iraq isn't JUST terrorists you know, they aren't a nation that want to blow things up and kill you because your better than them, some are decent and sociable.

    There are terrorists all over the world, and just because there's an Asian person walking down the road with a back pack on, people assume he's a suicide bomber? People don't ever pass the chance, that he/she might be in college or university. That they might actually be intelligent, like most Asians are, because of being descended from the homosapians. Instead, they jump on him, arrest him for being suspicious. What has this world come to?!

    Billions or pounds and dollars have been spent on this war for NOTHING! There used to be a time where money was for our own nation, to look after our own people, and when others needed help, we'd help those... but not to fund a WAR?!

    Iraqi people, are around 90% Islamic Muslims. Did you know that in the Qu'ran there is nothing that states, that they have to demolish the other people who are better than them around them, but to be grateful of what they already have, and to thank God every morning for being awake, and alive?

    The'se so called 'extremists' are just finding a way to get around WHY they are doing it.

    Bring the Soliders out of Iraq. Bring back humanity, and not manslauter.

    Bring back freedom.. *sigh*

    In answer to your question... It's not worth it, I can think of MUCH better things to spend $600,000,000,000 on..

    1. Health.

    2. Poverty.

    3. Getting lazy good for nothing's backsides off the dole and into a proper paying job.

    4. Prospects.

    5. Everything else that is going wrong in this world.  

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