
Is Ireland an adorable country?why?give some reasons!!!?

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  1. its the safest country in the world that's my opinion.the Irish seem to be liked were ever they go even into war stricken country's if they get captured they always seem to be set free it has to say something

  2. eddie hobbs rip of republic lol, u really love ireland, this is ur second qestion i belive, was on earlier, i cant sleep now!!! do u say i love u to the irish!!! or do u say i love u!! to answers!! we never forget where we came from and apprecaite the smallest things, and i know it sounds sad but ill say it, there is nothing better than comin home on an airplane and seeing the green!!! it really is wow!! unlike spain or france etc, sont get me wrong they are fantastic too, but just seein the green!! its only then u realise why its called the emerald isle, any who like i said earlier, everyone has relations from ireland, and some sort of connection to it, and also ur not the only one who loves ireland, for every person that goes to america to live, three americans come here to live!!!!!!! so wahey!! i take it St patricks day is ur favourite holiday????

  3. the peple are warm and have great community values the parks are to die for they have the sea in them ,picnic on the grass while you watch seals bobbing in the sea.its pretty and is clean but the town i used to live in had a town square that was as sure as day a circle only in ireland eh hehe

  4. You sound like my digger driver....thick

  5. It must have changed a lot since I left it. I grew up in Ireland and I always thought it was vastly overrated.

    Sure it has some nice touristy spots but then that's true of most countries.

    As for prices, check out, rip off Ireland. com. Very expensive.

    Its not a particularly safe country either.

    I suppose if you have to live there its okay, but if you have other options consider them. I did.

  6. Of course Irelands an adorable cuntry, it has the most beautiful city in the world Dublin whose litter lines the street to make all the homeless people feel at home on the pavements. You need not feel guilty either just gave them all your money and cigarettes and they thank you with curses and spit to pay their nice friendly heroin dealers. The gangland wars and stabbing bring everyone so much together during death and funerals making it a joyful and peaceful nation. Then you have the Government who enjoy treating the people of Ireland with respect by spending all their money on schemes that go vastly overbudget lining the pockets of the Politicians in shady deals that may later go to court and waste more taxpayers money. Its a joy to spend money, then we have the health service which is lined with beds in corridors of hospitals so no-one is ever lonely in the hospital.


  7. Hooray for Ireland...Beautiful people...Because you are latina, it helps...

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