
Is Ireland really as beautiful as they show it is in the movies?

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It's a dream of mine to go there some day. I just wanted to know if it does look like it does in the movies or are they just showing the pretty parts?




  1. yes it is!!! and the people are too!!!

  2. Ireland really is beautiful. I've been there. there are a lot of tourist attractions, so much to do...

    it's a neat place. you should go there =]

  3. Like any other country its has its lows and its highs. I think there are some really beautiful places especially the little towns and castles.

  4. The sad yes.  I say sad....because even if you spent four weeks would barely cover 40 percent of the country.  What you see in the Quiet Man is still there today.

    The best part from what I've seen is the southwest.  You must rent a car with your travels, and go to the Ring of Fire....which is a twisty road along the coast and it melts your heart away.  Stay only at the bed and breakfast operations....cheaper and you tend to meet more locals that way.  Don't expect the best food in the world....just a hearty meal.  

    The only negative I found....was sitting in the pub and hearing all of the woes and sorrows.  After 90 minutes....I really had enough about the negative side of life.  They will tell you every single detail and invite you totally in their life whilst you both consume a hearty ale.  To was information overload and just too many woes. You may find it socialable.

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