
Is Ireland the most religious country in Western Europe?

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Is Ireland the most religious country in Western Europe?




  1. Nope, Italy, see vatican city

  2. I think you will find Poland is more Religious than Ireland nowadays, and its poles who are propping up the church in Ireland too, with services in Polish.

  3. yes we are

  4. If you're discounting Vatican City as a country then I would put Ireland third behind Italy and Spain.  You'll see Ireland dropping further down the scale as the younger population age.

  5. Unless you count the vatican city...

  6. I would say Italy, Portugal and Spain are way  more religious than us

  7. No, that profile has changed considerably in recent years. Ireland traditionally would have been considered very religious with the majority of the population actively involved in organised relgious activity (vast majority Roman Catholic with Protestant and Jewish minorities).

    Increased affluence, child abuse scandals in the Catholic church, demographic changes and changes in social attitudes  have all contributed to a very significant decline in religious activity.

    Now the Catholic church is suffering from a serious shortage of religious vocations with most priests and nuns being quite elderly and very few people chosing the religious life.

    The Vatican would certainly be more religious ;-) but in terms of real countries Poland would certainly be more religious than Ireland.

    Ireland is more diverse in it's religions now with Islam and other religions becoming more prominent as Ireland's population includes more imigrants.

  8. Ireland,Italy or Spain/Portugal

  9. I think Ireland is one of the most non-religious countries.

    Sure the census says we're 80% Catholic but very few people actually go to Church anymore except for weddings etc.

    We're religious by name only not in practice

  10. The vatican is a real country with Ambassadors in other countries Called the papal nuncio. He has diplomatic status, The vatican has its own euro.

    It is the most religious country in western europe. Why do people pass wiki facts on as their own

  11. Not anymore.

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