
Is Islam the antidote for uppity women?

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In some sort of weird Darwinian way, could it be that as Wester Society becomes more and more influenced by women, it exposes us to a takeover from men who are willing to fight to the death?




  1. No... How would Islam be an antidote to uppity women and what does that even mean.  I figure you will eventually get better at asking questions with how many you ask.  Islam might have men willing to fight to the death but we have men and women willing to fight to the death for what we hold dear.

  2. I think the best antidote against feminism is the religion of that nation.  In Christianity, women are supposed to be humble and virtuous, even more so than men are.

    Most major religions of the world share some things in common.  It's no surprise that the role of women is one of those  :-)

  3. sharky, this has been on my mind for some time now. i believe that that is the way it will eventually go. breeding, power, its a numbers game and we just aren't producing the numbers

  4. Nope-Islam is a complex religious belief system just like Christianity is. Christianity hasn't managed to control women's or men's behavior very well-so don't see Islam doing any better. You're also making a huge negative assumption that "all" Muslims are willing to fight and kill for their religion.

    Extremists-whether Muslim or Christian-don't just want to kill women hon-they like to kill men too. If uppity folks are going to die-it will be both men and women who will be killed by extremists.

    Very poor causal relationship set-up: you can do better.

  5. LOL must be considering a lot of women are liberals, which there is of course no shame in that, but it does create more lax rules for certain groups that they probably should not have considering their overall agenda. Maybe we should all think twice before nosing our way into the middle east and worrying about whats happening to middle eastern women.

  6. Don't be so scared of women.

  7. Theoretically yes, practically science is involved and it would take a lot of men to nullify the science gap the west has over such countries.

  8. No side can win the battle of the sexes because both sides need eachother too much.

    HEAR THAT FEMINISTS!! You can't win so buy your 37 cats NOW..

    EDIT: "Untamed Rose" right.. you can SAY that... but that doesn't make it true. And you are NOT winning... I see no evidence of it.

  9. No.

    What a stupid question. Insecure much?

  10. What about uppity n*ggers?  Are you from the South in the US?  Why don't you join the KKK and start lynching women, like you lynched blacks?  That would prove your manhood!

  11. Islam may be the solution for Uppity Men.  Read a little about the cross dressing male Sufis who considered themselves female before god.

  12. Western society inaved by a horde of feminists you mean?

    West and your country mate is more liberal even if there are some misgivings but the focus is still more on the importance of human life .

    The grass is greener on the the other side mate.

    Come to india and then i will ask you if there is an invasion of feminists or not.

    Your feminists still beleive in equality even if it is selective in india it is outright no hold barred for them.

  13. Your wish is warped and your p***s is twisted...


    Which is more "fittest for survival?

    Some people who failed modernization, so would have no technology at all (other than a horse and spear) .

    ...people who on their own therefore can come up only with to hide in caves still, and kill themselves in order to murder 12 pedestrians. How lame is THAAT!

    The will to murder and no inclination to better or evolve.

    Versus US who develop and develop end develop untill we have the capacity to push a button and make you evaporate if we want.

    Which sounds "fittest for survival" to you?

    Which sounds like its evolving, and which is stagnant?

    Also...dont put it past our women to use all the military might weve got.  Theyre not fools. They wont dismantle it for you.

  14. No. There are uppity Muslim women in Islamic nations. They just happen to dress a lot differently than most American women.

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