
Is Israel Preparing for Iran Strike?

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Do Israel want to get crushed like a spider?,8599,1830203,00.html?xid=rss-topstories




  1. People, take a breath...........look around you, listen to the news and read. We are only hearing a third of what is going on in the world. Listen to the Russians, listen to Iran, listen to Israel for what is released or sneaked to the media, look at India. Who is preparing for a strike? Everyone is! All countries are acting like a cat seeing a mouse 5 feet away! I have a great opportunity to take it all in from many sources. Most "managers" think the same, if there is harm done to others or would hurt feelings, or is devious to let someone go due to money, there are meetings held to eliminate the problem. It is a simple fact. The leaders of countries are not thinking of morals, it is buisness. I am not crazy, just looking at the facts and yes I am a manager with morals that keeps my employees because I care. To answer the question yes they are!

  2. they are always prepared.

  3. If they do it the attack will fail. Bad. Israel could not destroy a lightly armed militia in its backdoor but pretends to be able to take out heavily fortified installations 2000 miles away? Iran's installations are deep underground or bored into mountains. Indestructible despite all the hype about bunker buster bombs.

    The only options are peace, a ground invasion or punishing air attacks to force Iran into submission. You know, blowing up random installations, bridges, power stations, hospitals, etc, all over the country not as secured as the nuclear sites like NATO did in Yugoslavia.

  4. If a leader of a neighboring nation has proclaimed before the world that your nation should be wiped off of the map, just what the h**l would you do, or expect your leaders to do? Wait till it happens, or show your muscles to those who make such statements?

    Iran would not stand a snow balls chance in h**l of defeating Israel. It would be the other way around. The Iranian leaders would all be wiped off the earth.

    No.....I'm not a Jew.

  5. Yes, and how convenient that the U.S. is strongly allied to Israel. Wow, what are the odds? A perfect opportunity and reason to invade. You'll see this before the election (If McCain is falling behind in the polls) or after it's over and he's won.

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