
Is Israel any more secure now that Iraqis are dying?

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Iraq was a self declared enemy of Israel, remember the Gulf War




  1. if you ask me the country is more secure because of the wall as much as it sucks to palestinians but there is still the threat of iran we have all heard the president runnig his mouth about how he wants to wipe it off the map

  2. A 10 year old child dies, a mother dies , every month in Iraq approx 3,500 innocent people die and some say they suppose Israel is safer now? And some can even fathom to ask such a question? What do innocent people dieing in Iraq have to do with Israel's "security"? Totally nuts.

  3. Israel is less secure now that the U.S. has destabilized Iraq, just as I'm sure the mess when the U.S. pulls out must concern Turkey and Iran.  This may be one issue where Iran and Israel can agree.

    And of course there is nothing good about people dying.

    Iraq being a "declared enemy of Israel" doesn't mean Iraq was in a position to threaten Israel's security.  Half the posters here are "declared enemies of Israel", and I don't think Iraq posed much more threat than they do.  It was mostly just talk, and I would not expect the government of Iraq, once it is free of U.S. occupation, to be any more friendly to Israel than under Saddam.  It would not shock me if it wound up less so.

  4. Sorry, there is no connection at all.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  5. The Israeli leaders think if they win the battle that means they won the final war. 48 war, 56, 67, 82 ,73, 2006.

    But if we do a real review we will end up that after every war the Israeli situation is getting worse than before the war.

    They thought if they got red of Sadam Israel will be saver than before.

  6. Israel can not live without enemies. The day their enemies vanish, the day they will vanish too.

  7. no, there are always new threats and many more enemies.

  8. No country is "more secure" although i think saddam was scum who only cared about himself and maintaining power,this war was a huge and costly mistake I only hope those poor people can rebuild their lives.


    Boulevard of broken dreams changed him name to silence must be heard and he erased the part of his answer where he said "israel should be invaded i wish someone would go in there and wipe them out".....gee i wonder why

  9. Technically I suppose they must be but it's not a happy thought!

  10. They probably think they are.

  11. Palestine will remain and Israel will disappear . remember that ! so Israel will not be in safe , never .

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