
Is Israel attacking Iran imminent ?

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When Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006. I happened to watch CNN. After it reported war broke out, CNN’s Lou Dobbs is accusing, in a full length, with vehement tones, that China was cyber attacking Pentagon. It made viewers immediately forget Israelis attack, but left with immense hatred or resentments against the Chinese.

Here is the transcript two years ago:

“LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: Tonight, Israel is on the verge of all- out war with Lebanon. Israeli tanks, artillery and troops are now in southern Lebanon. We'll have a live report from the Israel-Lebanon border.

And the U.S. State Department today revealed its computers have been attacked. Have North Korea and communist China commenced a cyber war against the United States? "

Now, two years later, two congressmen coming out accusing Chinese cyber attacking again, and the media blasting is stepping up:




  1. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on. Even Iran stops building NW there is no doubt Israel is itching to attack Iran & will.

    You can bet no matter who becomes the president will help/aid Israel against Iran. No doubt this was one of most important issues candidates discussed with AIPEC!

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