
Is Israel safe...?

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Is Israel a safe country... or will I get shot by occupational forces like the IDF? and will my house get demolished if I resist???




  1. 2 words:

    very safe

  2. No it is not.

    Better wait for somekind of a peace proccess.


  3. Yes, Israel is the safest country on Earth.

    Oh wait>

    1) It is not even a country

    2) tnhebyubvubngdyugfnycm sdjknsj nsui

    ketchup with mayonaise on Israel's map with the French Fries, yum yum

  4. While coming in please identify yourself, I am sure it will be verrrrry safe for you.

  5. Yes,youre more likely to get blown up by youre fellow egyptians in gaza or your jordanian brothers in the WB.In Israel proper you'll be safe


  6. Israel is a war zone. Israel is the last colonial rule in the world and there is a war of Independence waged by the native people of the land for last 60 years.

  7. its mostly safe

    they just put all the BAD stuff on the news

  8. With 1.2 billion Muslims screaming for their blood, and bratty Jewish b*tches making enemies for the Jews on a daily basis no, Israel is not safe.

  9. Personal safety in Israel is declining, crime is skyrocketing, and many Israelis no longer can leave their houses for fear that someone will rob them, 25% of the people believe it is not safe to walk alone by night.

    You can not call it safe at all.

  10. Israel is safe as long as you are with The Jewish People!

  11. the answer is that right now the people (Israelis & Palestinians) are faceing a hard and difficult time and there are alot of tention. so I would say it depends on the area you stay in.

  12. in israel you might be killed by a camel (they have millions of them) some are so so wild.

    also they have just introduced cars in israel, so there is a chance you might get run over.

  13. Yes, Israel is safe.  That's why the IDF is there to ensure safety.

    The most unsafe places are place not under full Israel control right now (West Bank, Gaza) or within rocket range of Gaza strip, way down at the southern edge of Israel.

    Ask these questoins at the airport for best security!!!

    And no your home won't get demolished you live in Virginia.  Homeland security won't do that but they do deport "unsavory" people and sell the house to someone else.  Are you familiar with them yet?

  14. it's safe as long as your not jewish.if you're jewish than you may encounter on some maniac behavior from several terrorist organizations who believe killing children is a just way to fight for their cause.

    i wouldn't worry if i were you ,dear.

    you can visit here and enjoy our beautiful land.

    all in all it's safe.
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