
Is It Bad To Accelerate Cars....?

by  |  earlier

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So i have a Chevy Caviler 2005 ,4 Door ,Automatic

And i like to Accelerate really quickly For example From any stopped position on the road...Not stores..Etc Mostly at stop lights and i Love to hit the gas pedal to 40 really quickly And then easy off and drive normally...I'm trying to understand if this quick acceleration will hurt my car in any way Cause i hear my engine it obviously gets louder...I know i use Alot of fuel cause i do that and well my excuse is use it now before gas prices go up to 7-10$ a gallon?

Any advice keep doing it or Just accelerate normally ?




  1. Its a little harder on your gears but hey if you dont care about the gas money for it do it

  2. no itz all gud i have a mustang cobra datz all i out 4 gas prices

  3. I find that a well exercised car is a healthy car.

    As much noise as that engine is making, it is still well within the engine's peak powerband and fuel efficiency.

    It's when the engine starts floating valves that you should start worrying.

  4. You may find that you will wear down your engine quicker if you don't treat it with some level of care. You will certainly go through fuel quicker.

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