
Is It Better To Be Single or In A Relationships When Young?

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Whats The Purpose, Does It Lead To s*x?

During Your Teen Years?

I'm Single, and I Love It, Better Than Having A Girlfriend, and End Up With Problems, and Unfocused To.




  1. Best to be single!!!!  You have plenty of time to be in a relationship.  but when yolu are young, you want to be free.

  2. its harder to say no to s*x when u are young, specially when guys pressures girls. thats why a lot of teens are having s*x, but personally i think its better when u are single just because u can do whatever u want and not have to justify everything u do.

    i mean there are good things with being in a relationship but overall personally i think its better when ure single

  3. A little bit of both actually.  Through HS I only had a couple of serious boyfriends but for the most part I was single and enjoyed it.  Being in a relationship is ok...u start to realize what u want and exactly what type of person u are when u are with someone.  Constantly growing and changing your preference in a bf/gf is bound to change.

  4. single

  5. Its best to be single in your teenage,if u are in a relationship that young it just might lead in to s*x.

  6. be single. stay single. avoid heart break, especially at that age.


    hahaha jk but really


  7. Depends on what you prefer....Always go for whats in your heart...

    However usually it is best to be young and single b/c then you get to meet different girls w/ different personalities. So that when your older and start to get into more serious relationships you know what your looking for and what you expect out of a woman and your relationship.

    Also even further down the line when/if you get married you know for sure your with the person you want to be with and you don't ever have to wonder how "this" would of been or how "that" could have been b/c you would have already experienced it.

  8. I think its up to the person.I think that some people like to be single till college and then find a girl friend and some people are ready to date in high school. I think if your happy being single then stay single. I will say i was the same as you happy as being single then i met my gf last year and we started dating so i mean don't close off the the idea of dating it can be fun and its not all the problems that you see on tv and the movies.  

  9. A very mature outlook.  Congratulations.

  10. When meaning teen years, I think it's wayyyyyy better to be single. I mean the leading to s*x thing isn't a problem but it may depend on what type of person you're with. I tend to find that teen relationships last for only 2 weeks. They always crash and burn. The shortest relationship time I know is two hours. It's really funny when you look at all this, it seems like everyone has dated everyone.

    I would probably like to be in a "serious" relationship during university or after.  

  11. well I'm 16 years old and i've been going out with my boyfriend for a little over a year now people ask "why am i tied down at a young age?" all of the time. But i just say that i love him. [ sounds funny] but i do and i don't put my life on the back burner just for him. i still go out and have some [innocent] fun.

    the whole having problems thing is over rated because you are going to have problems in life regardless if your single or not.

    Some people [females] just wants to feel like they are important to some one on this planet! but there's a million and 1 purposes.

    last but not least teens are going to have s*x weather if there in a relationship or not!.....but that's my way of seeing it

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