
Is It Just Me Or.......?

by  |  earlier

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has almost everyone stopped using their turn signals.

People will be driving and then all of a sudden dart into the left-hand turning lane without using any turn signal whatsoever.

Or they will get to a corner and make a right-hand turn and you guessed signals yet again.

On my street when the light turns green, the people driving towards me can go straight past me or turn right, maybe one or two cars will have their signal on, because I am waiting to turn left.

For the rest I can't tell if they are going straight or turn right because THEY DON'T USE THEIR FREAKING TURN SIGNALS.

You would be surprised at how many people are going to turn right without their signal on as if I can read their minds.




  1. it's not just you and yes it's very irritating

  2. It is not just you. Its dangerous because some one might be trying to do something and get in an accedent because the other car didn't turn on it's signal. My cousin broke both his legs in that situation, in utah!

  3. it's not just you

  4. Because they're lazy and stupid.. if your turn signal is broke there are hand motions you are supposed to do that you SHOULD have learned before you were given a drivers license.

    My pet peeve is people who don't use turn signals or hand motions then look at you like you're an idiot when you have to slam on your breaks to keep from hitting them.

  5. There's a reason why.  When people signal and show their intent, the other cars will block them.

    So people signal AFTER then start moving into lanes.

    Good Luck...

  6. You are definitely not alone on this.  It drives me nuts when people cut me off with no signal, or I'm waiting to turn left and they are coming towards me, then turn with no signal.  It's so friggin' irritating.  I make a point to sarcastically say "Thank you very much for your turn signal!"  haha  I also hate when the person in front of you turns without a signal, especially if they are turning left and have to stop for oncoming traffic.  I will honk at them assuming they are going straight.  I have no clue why they are stopping in the middle of the road.  That drives me nuts.  Especially when I honk at them and they get mad at ME!  The nerve of some people.  What ticks me off the worst though is when someone is crowding me from behind and I need to merge or change lanes and as I put my signal on, they jump over in the direction I wanted to move to without even bothering to use a blinker, so now I can't merge over.  Some people are just too stupid to be on the roads.  Driving should be a privledge, not an expectation.

  7. they don't want to wear out the bulb

  8. I get annoyed at people that don't use their turn signals. Sometimes I will beep my horn at them and then they give me a look like what did I do?

  9. sure it is irritating. you still need to be alert to your surroundings and be prepared for the many things that could happen.

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