
Is It Ok To Feed My Dogs Tinned Meat With Mixer For One Meal Then Just Complete Dog Food For Another Meal?

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Hi, We've just rescued 2 dogs from a rescue centre and are struggling knowing what is best to feed them. We have continued feeding them twice a day as that's what they were used to at the rescue. We feed them 1/2 tinned food 1/2 mixer at 8 am then half an hour after their evening walk (between 6 & 8pm) We have fed them like this for 4 months but are still having trouble with their stools which are more often than not quite "sloppy". As far as we are aware the dogs are perfectly healthy and have both recently been checked out at the vets (we didn't mention the stools as at the time they were ok) I wanted to know if its ok to swap to Complete dog food for just one of their daily meals? I dont want to switch over completely as my Male loves the tinned food. Just incase you need to know, He is a German Shepherd Cross (very large) and she is a Lab Cross (Small for a lab) I would really appreciate any advise anyone could give me. Thanks For Reading




  1. Well i would do the same as what  i did when changing my puppies to hard food.

    Give them the normal breakfast but at night give them just dry food. If they don't want to eat it then splash some water over it with a sprinkle of gravy. They will think its meat. And if they still dont eat it, leave it in boiled water for about 10 minutes (you can still add gravy for an extra taste) and then blend it into a mush. I can almost garruntee this will work. I have to use it on one of my German shepherds who cant eat solid foods.

    Hope It Helps.

  2. i feed my dogs wet meat in the morning and they always have dry in their bowls for snacks when they want it.i also feed them whatever we eat at supper time and they know when meal time comes around.shelter dogs are not use to good food that u buy since they have to get cheaper stuff to feed them all and most of the time it is dry kibbles. u might want to add a little fiber like 1/2 tsp of metamusil or a simular powder to help firm them up. grape nut cereal is good also. cooked rice with the water and cooked oatmeal is another choice and the dogs like it mixed with their food and it helps fill them up.make sure they have plenty of fresh water and treat them with raw hides for their teeth and they will also bulk up the bowels. u might want to change the food if they continue to be loose because whatever the ingredents are it might be causing the problem.  scramble them up a egg weekly for extra protien good luck

  3. Personally I feed raw but if you're going to feed kibble then you should find a good quality kibble, preferably one with no grains and stick with that.

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