
Is It Okay If I make My?

by Guest32608  |  earlier

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Son Eat Outside Because He Smacks So God Awfully Loud? It's nice weather today.

And yes, I have told him how socially unacceptable it is to smack.

And no, there is no medical problem here.




  1. No, its not alright.  You are leaving the parenting of your child to the dogs.  

    Keep him inside, keep reminding him of his problem and tell him to keep his mouth closed.   If he can't control it, there is a medical or psychological problem.  If he can, but doesn't, then its just a parent who's willing to let the dogs deal with it rather than doing it himself that is at fault.

  2. Well, If he's going to be outside alone, maybe everyone could just go outside and eat with him. You said it was nice outside. I just don't think it's nice to exclude. I would be a little sad to not be able to eat with everyone else.

  3. Why on earth would you even think of doing that?  Make a game at the dinner table, take turns chewing  one at a time and show him the difference.  Take some time to work on the problem.   If that does not work,  try putting food in his mouth, asking him to close it and move his jaw gently up and down.  My son stopped smaking by holding is lips closed and puckered out and holding them shut.  He figured it out on his own and thought it was fun, so I let him and it worked.  If he snores really loud at night are you going to make him sleep with the dogs outside too?

  4. i dont see why not, but really try to get him out of that habit. my kids used to do it, but i kept telling them about it. they have stopped now

  5. hahahahahah , sure why not but when he gets older he might ask why you always sent him outside and you will have to tell him how annoying he was when he ate .

  6. Yes,make him eat outside,if it is nice.

  7. Just smack him in the face.

  8. You didn't say how old he is. It's perfectly ok to send kids out of your company when they behave badly. I wouldn't send him with the dogs though, they may end up eating his food for him! Dogs sometimes get territorial about food...

    When my daughter is rude at the table I tell her she will have to go to her room to be alone till she is ready to behave more civilized.

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