I have been thru 7 years of a relationship with a man who was addicted to p**n(just the females)and they were all around 20, blonde tan firm, you know.......societal perfection. he hid it well, i only recently found out, there were clues, of course. I came to the point where i would try to spot them first, the ones he always stared at, every woman i came across, i would look at her to see what he wanted, what i didnt have. Of course, i am 44, so that was obvious. i am not perfect, i am not societal perfection. i have bumps and bulges and stretch marks, and a csection scar right down the middle of my stomach. I have felt so bad about myself for so long because he wasnt interested in me, and now all i do is critcize my body because i am not petite, i am 5'9, i weigh around 150. i didnt have a problem with myself before i met him, but that was 7 years ago, now i just feel old and tired. will this pass, or is it over for me as far as will i ever feel attractive again?? Do men really even care about over 40 women as far as attractiveness goes? Is there a point to attractiveness at 44? I feel like I lost something, and I will never get it back again. I dont mean to sound whiny(i probably do) I guess I need a boost. any ideas?