
Is It Painful When You Have Your Eyes Lazered?

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Is It Painful When You Have Your Eyes Lazered?




  1. only if you look

  2. They stick a needle down your tear ducts and when they do it you can smell burning flesh, after your eyes constantly water and sting, gruesome.

  3. If you have ever been stung by a bee it feels like that...only on your eyes :)

  4. A little. It makes your eyes watery and you cant focus for about 4 hours. There will be a tiny stinging feel for 2 days, not to bad though.

  5. Depends on what kind of lasering you are talking about ? For an eye desease you are under an anaesthetic and its not really bad afterwards . Just a bit sore . The one to correct your vision I am told . Makes your eyes weepy and sore until the next day . And its difficult to open your eyes until you have had a sleep . That usually helps . Really it depends on your pain threshold .

  6. It's very individual how much pain you have.  I had Lasik 2 weeks ago and because they put freezer drops in my eyes, I didn't feel anything until I came home and then they really burned and stung for about 4 hours.  After that, they were pretty much fine.  When I came the next day for a checkup and was talking to other ppl who just got Lasik, there was one who didn't have any pain, one who had pain in one eye only and one who had pain the whole night so you wont really know until you do it.

  7. Ive had it done and although it didn't hurt whilst I was having it done, the pain afterwards was incredible, it felt like I had grit constantly in my eye along with a stinging sensation, I had this for 4 days and couldn't sleep.  They make out its pain free but its not.  I think Lazik is less painful but the opticians did Lazek on me - they decide depending on the shape of cornea.

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