
Is It Possible I Have A UTI???

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I feel like i have to pee a lot, but only a little comes out. It doesnt sting when i pee, but its just really annoying. help?




  1. oooh, sounds like it. i have interstital cystitis which means i get the symptoms of uti's all the time, and its the needing the toilet all the time that makes me cry/drives me mad.

    get to the doctor and they'll do a urine test :)

  2. I get them all the time. My efficiency doesn't have a shower so I take a bath everyday. Not fun.

    Drink lots of cranberry juice. Not the sugary kind. The real bad tasting stuff. They have over the counter medication for a UTI. I don't know the name just ask for's like 6 bucks. It turns your pee red, be careful it stains your clothes. If you don't like the taste of cranberry juice they have cranberry pills. Cheap. Drink lots of water. When taking a shower don't wash yourself down there w/body wash, if you get soap up in there it causes them. Don't spray perfumes down there ect.

    If home remedy doesn't work and you experience pain in your sides you could have a kidney infection. Just take care of it immediately!

  3. Yes a uti is the probable cause. Antibiotics do the trick.

    Best wishes. UK

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