
Is It Possible To Buy An Old or Have Someone Build A New Bf-109?

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Im really into flying and stuff, and im really into WWII planes. I would like to know if it is possible, and if so if someone could give me a contact, to either buy an old WWII BF-109 or have someone build a new one for me.

The 109 is my favorite fighter and I've always dreampt of maybe flying one someday, and Im trying to make it come true.




  1. Great answer by gromit801.  The HA-1112 was a fine aircraft but the Merlin ruined the clean lines.

    Worse than that though, would be a Jumo-engine Czech S-99 (nicknamed the 'mule')

  2. I doubt anyone make replica's of them. You might be able to find 1 to be rebuilt but you'll have to have alot of cash.

  3. EAA, Warbirds of America,, Courtesy Aircraft, Focke-Wulf New Werks.

    Bring lots of money and if you have a data plate -- Providence Fighters in California.

    Good luck and put the Diamler on it, not a Merlin.

  4. The biggest problem with building an Me-109, is finding a functional DB-601 engine.

    The Spanish took some, and converted them to RR Merlins and they were renamed Hispano HA-1112's.  These are the versions you see in the movie Battle of Britain.

    There is a company in Seattle that's building brand new Me-262's.  Limited run, and they're all spoken for.

  5. The BF-109 has been one of my favorites too for over 40 years now. But as we've seen here, one could cost over a million. And I'm sure that a new custom built unit would be at least that much.

    When I was in High School, I got a after school job at a full service gas station. This was 1971. The man who owned the station spoke with a steep German accent. He was a 109 pilot. In 1944, he was shot down over France, survived, was captured, and sent to a POW camp near Phoenix. After the war, he simply stayed in the area. (Many POWs did.) He worked, saved his money, and bought the gas station, and eventually hired me. He was a great guy. Tought me a lot about people, and ethics too. He was very patient, and a great man and mentor. Only after he got to know me, and had known me for a long time, did he start to tell me some of his combat stories. He started in North Africa, went to Italy, and was finally stationed in France. He's not with us any more, but I still think about him a lot.

  6. These help?

  7. Its definitely possible - there is a guy at my airport that parks a fully camo'd, red star and all, MIG21 in the same hangar as me. That thing is gorgeous! Anyway, I struck up a conversation with him one day, and found out that he bought the plane from someone at EAA that restores and flies old planes. If you are in the US, I would start by getting in touch with EAA ( Best of luck!

  8. That won't be easy, but if you look hard enough you should be able to find something to fit your needs.

    Two of those are listed for sale, and others may be as well.  (I assume your pockets are sufficiently "deep."

  9. There is an ME 109 for sale right now -- in Clovis, CA.  It has the 1600 HP RR engine and the asking price is $1,200,000 USD.

    I'll be looking for my commission ....

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