
Is It Possible To Lose Weight Indoors?

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I've got a weight problem and my buddys wife also has a bit of a problem. She suggested she's going to try losing weight from the comfort of her own home by running up and down her stairs for a few months. Would this work? Personally I don't think it would but I'm interested in other views.




  1. No, not unless you open a door, duh.

  2. If I were you, I'd go and buy a Nintedo Wii.I've just had a go on one tonight down our pub. It was hard work because it went on for a long time, but it was also great fun! I think it could help loose weight indoors, but I'm not 100% sure.

  3. it would work if you guys would actually break a sweat. But id prefer to do sit ups, push ups, etc..

  4. if she did it 1000X a day, then it might work. it depends on how big the stairs are.

  5. Okay, the whole premise of losing weight 'indoors' (i.e. at home) does work yes. But not if all she/you do is run up and down the stairs a few times!!!

    Think about it logically, if you are stuffing your faces with c**p all day, and this is the only excercise you are getting, it wont really do much now will it?

    First of all you have to eat a healthy diet. This doesn't mean go on a crappy fad diet or starve yourself!!! It means that you make sure you eat 4 or even 5 small to medium meals a day. Each meal, apart from breakfast, (preferably fibre rich with fruit) should have a combination of protien (chicken/fish/soya etc), carbohydrates (pasta/rice/potatoes/etc), and vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (fresh fruit and veg). There are many easy ways to incorporate all these into every meal. This also doesn't mean you can never have pizza/takeaway/chocolate/etc, just save them for the occassional treat.

    Secondly you need to EXCERCISE. This means do more than just running up the stairs. Cardio excercise is anything that will get you out of breath, your heart rate pumping and you sweating (running, swimming, cycling, etc) and is necessary for burning calories, shedding body fat and improving your overall fitness levels. Strength training basicaly improves the muscles and tones your body, this comes from weight training, core training (sit ups/planks/etc), stretching (such as yoga) and dynamic training. This is necessary to keep your body strong and supple and will also help you lose weight and tone up.

    It is possible to do both of these at home, running up and down the stairs is fine if it gets you out of breath and sweaty, but add push ups, sit ups, star jumps, etc into the routine as well.

    This is only an extremely brief overview, but both of these are necessary to lose weight healthily, keep it off, and have a strong healthy body.

    Hope this helps.

  6. i am not sure if running up and down the stairs would give great results. A good thing to get is a treadmill, you can run in the comfort of your home and even watch tv while you run or blast some music from your stereo. Run a few times a week and gradually increase your mileage. A part of losing weight is eating right too, so make sure you work out and have a healthy diet.  

  7. The best way to lose weight is build muscle. Muscle burns fat passively everyday, in addition to when you exercise. Then you don't have to do hours of aerobic exercise everyday, just maybe a brisk jog around the block.

    To build muscle in your upper body I do Bench Press, Military Press, Overhead Extension, Lateral Raise, and Curls. For lower body I do Squats, Lunges, Leg Curls, and Calf Raises.

    Trying to lose weight without strength training exercises has never worked for me because it takes a lot or running to burn weight. Plus, it's always cool to be able to Bench Press 200% of your body weight.

  8. If you have ever hit the top of the stairs and felt your heart racing you know this is real exercise. The real question is how dangerous would this be. Over exertion seems to me to be the greater risk.

    "British researchers found that for sedentary people, even a few minutes of daily stair climbing - a vigorous but easily accessible form of exercise - can improve cardiovascular health."

  9. Technically it could, but it's very hard to remain dedicated to something like that... I mean running up and down stairs would eventually be soo boring.  Plus, it's better to mixup your routine in order to work all muscles effectively.

  10. sit ups push ups

  11. only if you get accidentally locked in the attic for a month

  12. Well it might help to burn a few calories but I don't think it would help her lose weight. She'd need to do more than that to lose the weight and effectively keep it off. Eating a balanced diet is the best thing a person can do to get healthy and having a regular exercise routine that is personalised to meet her needs would be of benefit. There are exercises a person can do in their own home to help with weight loss (that will actually work). She should contact a personal trainer and a dietician if she is serious about this.

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