
Is It Really Possible To Love Your Neighbor In A "Brotherly" Fashion? How?

by Guest67075  |  earlier

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Is It Really Possible To Love Your Neighbor In A "Brotherly" Fashion? How?




  1. Thank you for this beautiful question!

    Why is it beautiful? Because the answer to your question, and the method to achieve it, is the basis of our reconnection to the Creator, and our salvation, in other words the purpose of all creation.

    We were initially created as one single soul, but then later on broken into a myriad of fragment which you see in the billions of people today.

    And we are all selfish and separated from each other. That is the basis for all the problems  we see around us.

    If we learned the way of "Love your neighbor/friend as yourself" we could achieve perfection again.

    Although humanity has been discussing it for thousand of years, and we have been trying methods after methods, we still haven't figured out how to do it yet.

    Fortunately there is a genuine, ancient method, which has been waiting for us to be ready, and it can give us the practical way of attaining the "love for the others", and through that the love for the Creator.

    If you are interested in this, please look at the following video:

    Or visit the following website:

    Thanks again for this very exciting question!

  2. A friend of mine has a brother who beats him up for no reason. So, I'm sure loving your neighbor in that way will get you arrested.

  3. Treat him the way you want to be treated

  4. You keep working at it!  HARD!  

  5. Don't you have any friends?   You can really really love a friend- male or female, without ANY s*x entering the picture.

    I love my sisters, my brothers, my children, my girlfriends- s*x never enters the picture at all.

    A neighbor would be a friend.  

  6. Just do it.

  7. It's possible, but that doesn't mean it's easy. A lot of people exhibit behaviors that make them hard to life, even some Christians here.

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