
Is It Sociably Acceptable For One To wear Swimming Trunks Outside(, like to the shops etc?)?

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Because I bought 2 cool shorts thinking they were cool shorts, but when I got home, I realised they had nets on them!

So my Question *check the title out*

Also would people find out I was wearing swimming shorts?





  1. I wear swimming trunks all summer long just about everywhere I go.

  2. I think it's fine for guys to wear them as regular shorts.  As long as they match whatever shirt you are wearing, go for it.

    I personally like it when a guy wears them for shorts.

  3. If they look like shorts (and your going to wear a shirt! lol) then i don't see why not :-)

  4. only you would know they weren't shorts, so go for it!!!

  5. well if you didnt realise they were swimming trunks then nobody else will know, just wear them

  6. It depends where you live.

  7. Go ahead thats no problem! But dont wear them with water and all wet because then people will know. And if you are to look at them and see that they are swimm trunks dont do it thats just horror waiting to happen along with humiliation. So wear them the worst thing that could happen would be you get wet and they begain to look like water trunks or people laugh at you or nothing at all mate!!

  8. I live in a seaside resort in cornwall, and its pretty much the norm here.

    It all depends on the area i supose.

  9. I think there are guys at my school who do that.  Like, their shorts aren't actually shorts... They're swim trunks.


    But eh, whatever.  I did that once - I had to wear a pair of boy's swim trunks around, and everyone thought they were shorts so it's okay. :P I actually got a few compliments.

  10. Sociably acceptable? Aren't you grown? Do you really live your life for other people? Do those people pay your bills? h**l no. So if you want to go outside but naked with flip flops on and a cowboy hat, then do that. Of course cover up your man parts so you don't get arrested. lol. All you need is a patch. Don't worry about what other people think. If they look cool, then wear them.

  11. Do you live somewhere warm,

    with a beach?

    If so go ahead and wear them outside regularly.

    If not,

    You might want to return them.

  12. Are you serious?  If you thought they were cool, WEAR THEM!  Unless you plan to have people looking up your shorts and noticing.  "Hey!  There's a net!  Guys come over here and check this out.  This dude is wearing swimming trunks" *laughs all around*

  13. Why now wear what you are comfortable in? With   the styles out there   today everything is acceptable! So,wear your trunks, as you want!

  14. I'd wear them. Socially acceptable? I don't know, but I've never scrutinized anyone's clothing saying "oohh.. that looks like swimwear!"

    If you didn't notice they were swim trunks, chances are others won't either.

  15. Yes it is you can wear anything outside these days even your underwear!

  16. LOL They make some really shweeet swim trunks now that look like shorts.  Check it out... you thought that they were regular shorts so why would anyone else think differently.  

    My husband has worn his as shorts.  It's all good;)

  17. no one will notice, they look like normal shorts! it might be uncomfortable for u to wear though

  18. Yer it absolutely fine don't worry about it all the boys I know wear board shorts (can be swimming shorts) Hahaha. My brother went to America for a holiday camp thing and they were all asking why are you wearing swimming trunks as an every day thing? but in england I think everyone does. (its sort of a preppy look in a way) Good luck x

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