
Is It Tacky To Give Used Gifts?

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While I appreciate any gift, I have a friend who gives me "used" gifts and when I say "used" I mean a shirt she has worn that I admired or a CD that she has already listened to..etc.. I was surprised when she told me "Yeah, I heard it and didn't like it." These are things she has had in her house!

Do you believe it is tacky to make comments such as these when giving "used" gifts? Do you tell the recipient the gift was used?

I buy gifts from yard sales all the time but I don't advertise that to whomever is receiving the gift.




  1. its rude to give used gifts. it means the person if just unloading the things they dont want, and it isnt very thoughtful. yardsales seem fine; i mean you still BOUGHT it, and its something you think your friend would enjoy.  

  2. no and its cheap ;)

  3. Tacky, Rude, and Cheap!

    But making coments like that is realy rude. Its sorta like a hammie down. Thats pretty much saying "i didnt like this CD and didnt wanna buy you anything so i gave it to you!"

  4. Re-gifting in my world is OK, but what you are describing is not re-gifting. Your friend is tacky. She needs some education in manners. On occasion I will tell someone outright a gift is not new, but it's usually a treasured possession that I am "passing down" to the younger members in my family. That way they get some of the history and understand why I am giving them something that is not "new". In fact, it's how I am passing down my fun funky jewelry from the 70's. Otherwise, when I give something I don't use to someone else, I do not wrap it up and call it a gift. That is a "donation". Like you said, that gal's just plain tacky!

  5. So tacky.......

  6. I hope this person doesn't wrap these so called "used gifts" up and give them to you as the gift? That would be tacky/cheap! As far as calling them on it, depends on how it makes you feel and what the situation is with your friend. If they're poor but, know you like the stuff then by giving it to you it could be looked at as a kind gesture. If they have the money to purchase something and don't then it's just them being cheap/tight wads as we used to call them. As far as the remarks about listening to the cd they need to keep their comments to themself. This friend is totally clueless! Maybe you should have a sit down and say we'll spend so much on a gift within eachothers budget and leave it at that. h**l even if they went to the dollar store and bought you something at least they'd get you something new and inexpensive if it's a budget issue. Man, this friend sounds like they're lazy/rude!

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