
Is It True Alexander Solzhenitsyn Died Today?

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I only read this book One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich.




  1. Yes physically he died - however based on his writings and the influence he has had on the world - he will continue to live on through others.  

  2. Yes he died at the age of 89.

  3. yup it says it right in here in black and white =]

  4. Yes they mentioned it a few times today, or to be more exact a few times in the last hour are so.  also an Irish climber the first to climb Everest died today on K2 the second highest mountain in the world.

  5. Yes but in 40 minutes it will be No as he will have died yesterday.

  6. No that was Margret Thatcher.

    She died again today outside London from an accidental poisoning, it is rumored to be a batch of bad liquor.

    It seems she fancied Moon-Shine.

  7. Yes :(


  9. I think so. I read his books.

    'Gulag Archipelago', being my favourite.

    He was a very great man.

    I love Russian writers.

  10. Sadly, yes.

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