
Is It True That It Is Legal To Have Marijuana In Galicia?

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i heard it was but i dont believe it




  1. no

  2. The only place in Europe where is legal to have marihuana... is Holland... in Spain is legal having marihuana but only for yourself consum... you can have marihuana and cultivate it... if you have more than the legal you can be punished.

    And you cant smoke it in the streets or public places, like in Holland... here is also banned smoke tobacco in public places.

    So you did well in dont believe.

    But in Galicia theres a lot of kinds of drugs due to the ports... so u can find there drugs and well kind of.. like in Andalucia. In Andalucia is due to the proximity to Africa...

    (sorry for the english)

  3. yea my friend is from La Coruna and he says that it is only legal if u have no more than 2 joints with you

  4. NO!

  5. It is not legal. The police just allow you to have small amounts of marihuana or cannabis if they consider that it is just for self use.

  6. When I last went to Spin, I was in the south, the law is mainly that

    you can have illegal drugs, but you can't buy it or sell it, nor transport it into the country. So figure that one out.

  7. lol. who told you that .. No pot´s not legal anywhere in Spain..

    Take care..

    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

  8. yes it's legal up to an small amount if it is for ur own comsumption and as long u don't smoke it in front of under age .

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