
Is It True That Italy IS Getting Kfc In 2009????????

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Is It True That Italy IS Getting Kfc In 2009????????




  1. probably.. but nobody eats it. only americans dine there. Mcdonalds and fast food DOES NOT taste the same there as it does in America. Italians think that s*hit it gross.

  2. yes , they are looking for people interested in opening Kfc in Italy , but i'm not sure about the year 2009..

  3. What in the h**l is up with you and KFC's in Italy? I'm pretty d**n sure that they prefer real flavor than fatty grease bombs to eat.

  4. ...I don't think KFC will succeed in Italy...even though I like it a lot! :)

  5. That's too much to handle. Stick with the Italian foods,darling. <*-*>

  6. I hope not.  I grew up with all these fast foods restaurants.  I was overweight, and always had stomach problems.  Who knows what they put on it....

    I'm an American and live in Italy.  I hope people sabotage it!!!!

    I'm sorry Stefa..though is not in the U.S., I have to admit that the care and handling of the food is much better at the MC Donald's in Italy, plus the food is not sitting there for a long time and you don't have unprepared teens doing all the nasty things they do in the US.

    The point is that even if here the preparation and handling of the food is much better than in the States, the quality of the product is not...

    Ialian do have a right to expect food at almost the same level they have for slow food restaurants.  I do admit if I have Spizzico (which is an Italian fast food chain for pizzas and etc.) or MC D's to choose, I'll go for MC D's

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